speckleworks / SpeckleUnity

Stream live 3D data into Unity with the open data platform for BIM - Speckle!
MIT License
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Error when loading streams with data from structural schema (revit and GSA) #57

Open pablothedolphin opened 4 years ago

pablothedolphin commented 4 years ago

Need to add additional kits to support this conversion while also maintaining support for IL2CPP and .NET Standard for maximum compatibility.

pablothedolphin commented 4 years ago

The structural kit can't be loaded in unity because of missing references to presentation core and revit api. Need advice from other speckle devs.

pablothedolphin commented 4 years ago

Forum thread here: https://discourse.speckle.works/t/speckle-conversion-error-with-structural-classes-in-unity/581

pablothedolphin commented 4 years ago

GitHub issue here: https://github.com/speckleworks/SpeckleStructural/issues/18

pablothedolphin commented 4 years ago

Delaying this fix to a later release due to IL2CPP throwing an error on the conversion of a method in the presentation core dll. Could be an error in the engine rather than presentation core not supporting AOT compilation.