spectralDNS / mpiFFT4py

Parallel FFT in 3D or 2D using MPI for Python. Slab or pencil decomposition possible in 3D. Note this rep is being deprecated in favour of mpi4py-fft (https://bitbucket.org/mpi4py/mpi4py-fft)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
21 stars 10 forks source link


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mpiFFT4py performs FFTs in parallel in Python. It is developed to be able to do FFTs in parallel on a three-dimensional computational box (a structured grid), but there are also routines for doing the FFTs on a 2D mesh. It implements both the slab and the pencil decompositions.


mpiFFT4py requires numpy for basic array oparations, pyfftw for efficient FFTs and mpi4py for MPI communications. However, if pyfftw is not found, then the slower numpy.fft is used instead. cython is used to optimize a few routines. Install using regular python distutils::

python setup.py install --prefix="Path on the PYTHONPATH"

To install in place do::

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

To install using Anaconda, you may either compile it yourselves using (from the main directory)::

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda build conf/conda
conda install mpiFFT4py --use-local

or use precompiled binaries in theconda-forge or the spectralDNS channel on Anaconda cloud::

conda install -c conda-forge mpifft4py


conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install -c spectralDNS mpifft4py

There are binaries compiled for both OSX and linux, and several versions of Python. Note that the spectralDNS channel contains bleeding-edge versions of the Software, whereas conda-forge is more stable.


mpiFFT4py is developed by


mpiFFT4py is licensed under the GNU GPL, version 3 or (at your option) any later version. mpiFFT4py is Copyright (2014-2016) by the authors.


The latest version of this software can be obtained from


Please report bugs and other issues through the issue tracker at:
