spectraphilic / wsn_server

Software and django applications for wsn and iot setup
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Software and django applications for wsn and iot setup.

For instructions on how to install the project in a server, see the INSTALL.md file.

Local install for development

Install the system wide requirements:

apt install git make postgresql python3-venv rabbitmq-server
apt install ansible

Create the PostgreSQL database:

su - postgres
postgres@ $ createuser -e -P wsn
postgres@ $ createdb -e -O wsn wsn

Clone the project and install:

git clone https://github.com/spectraphilic/wsn_server.git
cd wsn_server
make local

Create a superuser, and run the server:

source venv39/bin/activate
python manage.py createsuperuser
make start

Update a server deployment

If you have deployed the project in a server, see INSTALL.md, then you can update it remotely from your local instance.

Edit the ansible/hosts-production file, you will need to specify the hostname or ip address of the server, the user to log with, and the absolute path where the project is deployed. For example:

wsn.example.com ansible_ssh_user=wsn django_root=/home/wsn/wsn_server

For the deployment to work add your public ssh key to the list of authorized keys in the server, so this should just work:

ssh wsn@wsn.example.com

Then to update the server just type:

make deploy-production

This will automatically reload the program. But won't reload Nginx/Monit.