spectrumbranch / mortar

Tesseract tools
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mortar is a set of tools for evaluating OCR results for games. The purpose of the project is to improve upon the OCR path that MORT offers. Some of mortar's features toward this end include:


The package is intended to run on a WSL system. It creates a Windows Tesseract process to perform OCR function.


Clone and install

git clone https://github.com/spectrumbranch/mortar.git
cd mortar/python-project
python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate

pip install .[dev]

Set the required environment variables

The package requires these variables be set. Actual values vary between configurations.

Path to the Tesseract executable:

export TESSERACT="$VCPKG_INSTALLED/x64-windows-static-md/x64-windows-static-md/tools/tesseract/tesseract.exe"

Path to the tessdata directory installed with MORT:

export TESSERACT_DATA="C:/MORT/MORT/bin/x64/Release/net7.0-windows10.0.22621.0/tessdata"

Run the tests

OCR tests

OCR tests perform OCR on a collection of images from various games. The results are compared against correct reference data (not yet implemented). Because this is a long running procedure, the OCR tests are not included in the project's test suite by default. To run them, tell pytest about them explicitly:

pytest test/test_jp.py


To run all development checks, including linting and type checks, use nox.


Use the command line interface

The mortess command generates an OCR string from an image on demand. The result is the same as MORT's Tesseract path. Paths must be absolute paths on a WSL filesystem (i.e. begin with /mnt).

mortess /mnt/c/path/to/some/mort_capture.png


mortar loads its configuration in $HOME/.config/mortar/config.toml, creating the file if it is not present.


The value of this key controls the logging level. The log levels are "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", and "ERROR".


When the use_ssh key is true, mortar executes its processes over ssh instead of locally. The ssh connection is controlled by the values of the host and port keys. This feature is useful for running mortar on a non-Windows system that then does its OCR work on a Windows system, for example.