spelinski / MMM-PandorasMirror

MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Pandora Module for Magic Mirror (ABANDONED)

Module for controlling the Pandora music service

alt text


Pianobar specifics

This project currently assumes pianobar is setup for FIFO control and to run the eventcmd.sh script provided under the pianobar folder *example for creating a fifo "mkfifo /home/pi/.config/pianobar/ctl"

An example config has also been provied under the pianobar folder and assumes pianobar's config is under ~/.config/pianobar

This project assumes pianobar can be started without any input (For testing if you can start pianobar from the command line without user input and music starts)

Voice control

Change Stations Limitations

Currently this changes sequentially by one from station 0 through the max and loops back around if changing from the max station.
This is workable with a small station count but is unwieldy at larger number of stations.

This project

clone this repo into MagicMirror/modules.
Example config

Last Tested

MagicMirror : v2.12.0
node.js : 8.11.1
Platform : Pi 3 Model B