spersson / Kup

A backup scheduler for KDE's Plasma desktop
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Include plan for kde settings #62

Open ShalokShalom opened 6 years ago

ShalokShalom commented 6 years ago

Currently, there is no plan shipped with Kup. I suggest, to include one which points to all the subfolders in .config which are from KDE.

spersson commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! The thing about this is that any backup plan would need to select a backup destination, something which can't just be a default setting... the user always have to actively select it. I think. Having a backup plan that does not have a selected destination is not exactly harmful but possibly confusing. Nothing will ever happen with that backup plan. So what you can do, and what kup already does, is to make it very easy to only the least amount of configuration to get up and running. Currently that is:

  1. Enable backups
  2. Add a backup plan
  3. Select a backup destination
  4. Save

The first step could possibly be removed, having 0 plans is same as not enabled. But I have it like that just in case someone wants to temporarily disable backup scheduling. Don't know if that is very likely, but that was the reason. If backups are not enabled then the background process for scheduling does not run, so having kup installed by default in an OS will have very little negative effect for people who don't use it.

What do you think? Still something that you would like to change?

ShalokShalom commented 6 years ago

Oh, thanks dear for the nice and quick response, I really appropriate it. So, why not do it with radio buttons, which let you preselect different options, like that:

Simply add some options like:

1) All personal data (All personal files of $USER) 2) Personal media (All the personal media files of $USER) 3) KDE Settings (All the personal desktop settings of $USER)

So like that: {Excuse my nearly not existing photo editing skills}
