spesmilo / electrumx

Alternative implementation of spesmilo/electrum-server
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NameIndexMixin: Add 1RT name lookups #192

Closed JeremyRand closed 1 year ago

JeremyRand commented 1 year ago

Resolution latency is very important for Namecoin-like coins, especially when used with Tor. This PR optimizes for that use case.

I wasn't sure whether you prefer to merge this immediately (as protocol v1.4.3) or roll it into protocol v1.5.0. If the latter, let me know and I can rebase against the v1.5.0 PR.

Performance tests from Namecoin's QA team indicate that this decreases name resolution latency (over an onion service) from 4.05s to 1.59s -- a pretty big deal for DNS-like use cases.