spesmilo / electrumx

Alternative implementation of spesmilo/electrum-server
MIT License
429 stars 343 forks source link
bitcoin electrum electrum-server python

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=============================================== ElectrumX - Reimplementation of electrum-server

:Licence: MIT :Language: Python (>= 3.8) :Original Author: Neil Booth

This project is a fork of kyuupichan/electrumx <https://github.com/kyuupichan/electrumx>_. The original author dropped support for Bitcoin, which we intend to keep.

ElectrumX allows users to run their own Electrum server. It connects to your full node and indexes the blockchain, allowing efficient querying of the history of arbitrary addresses. The server can be exposed publicly, and joined to the public network of servers via peer discovery. As of May 2020, a significant chunk of the public Electrum server network runs ElectrumX.


See readthedocs <https://electrumx-spesmilo.readthedocs.io/>_.