spesmilo / electrumx

Alternative implementation of spesmilo/electrum-server
MIT License
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CI tests broken. We need to migrate away from Travis. #195

Closed SomberNight closed 1 year ago

SomberNight commented 1 year ago

In the past we were using travis for CI, but travis is prety much dead for open-source these days. The CI tests have not been running for months.

We need to migrate away from travis to another provider. The old schema is in the top-level .travis.yml file.

We have had good experience with Cirrus CI on the electrum repo, so they look like a good provider to switch to. Alternatively there is also e.g. Github Actions.

SomberNight commented 1 year ago

A PR would be very welcome for this.

Especially if you want to add or update your altcoin, please help get the CI working again. Without a working CI, it is more work to review altcoin-related changes, and I personally won't spend time on that. (changes affecting Bitcoin-related operation always have priority)