speutel / oyster

Jukebox software written in Python
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Oyster: Jukebox Software Written in Python

Oyster is a jukebox software written in Python. It is meant to be installed on a server which hosts music files and is equipped with a sound card. Users are able to access the interface over a webbrowser.

Initially Oyster plays all songs at random. Users may create playlists or vote for songs which are played next. Those votes will increase the scoring of the repsective song, resulting in a higher propbability that the song will be played at random when no more votes songs are present.



For oyster.py (the backend), you need mpg321 and/or ogg123 in $PATH. For the GUI, you need an apache with the capability to execute python-CGI

Below you will find an example for the apache-config. It will allow python-scripts to be executed.

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .sh .py


<Location /oyster>
     Options +ExecCGI


Launch the install-script


Just untar oyster into a directory which is reachable to your webserver. Now make sure that the webserver is able to read this directory and its contents. Also it should be able to create new files and directories here.


Open the location http://servername/oyster in your browser. Here you can edit your first configuration, test it and start oyster.


That's it. Start oyster (via the GUI, or by hand with ``python oyster.py'') and it will search in $mediadir for ogg and mp3 files, build a playlist and start playing.