spgroup / conflict-static-analysis

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Static Analyses Algorithms for Detecting Semantic Conflicts

This project aims to implement a library of soot analysis to detect semantic merge conflicts. Current supported algorithms:



To build the project, you will need Maven and Java 8 (or higher).

You will need create a token on GitHub to authenticate the use of the dependencies. Check the token's permissions.

Create a file called settings.xml in /home/.m2 and insert your GIT_HUB_USER and GIT_HUB_TOKEN into the following file.

<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"


          <name>svfa repository</name>



Clone the repository and than run the following commmand.

mvn clean install -DskipTests

You can also create an executable jar file using:

mvn compile assembly:single


To execute, you need to specify the Java project to analyze and a set of lines changed in that project. This set could be specified using a .csv file, but if the project uses Git, you can use the DiffClass Analyzer project. In this case, tyou need the hash of a merge commit to get the set of modified lines. See the CLI parameters below:


The path of the folder containing the .class files of the project to be analyzed. Remember, you need to compile the project under analysis. This parameters is required.


The input csv files with the list of changes. You must provider either this parameter or the -commit parameter.


the merge commit hash. See the comment above regarding the -csv parameter.


Analysis mode: dataflow, reachability, svfa or tainted.


The folder path or URL of the git project under analysis.


Sets the depth limit on accessing methods when performing Overriding Assignment Interprocedural, Direct Flow Interprocedural and Confluence Interprocedural analyses. Default = 5.

Usage example of a Java project, with a .csv file.


Configures (true or false) the printing of the visited method depths in SVFA.

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="br.unb.cic.analysis.Main" \
-Dexec.args="-csv /path/of/csv/file.csv -cp /path/of/class/files/folder"

Usage example with of a local Java git project, without a .csv file.

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="br.unb.cic.analysis.Main" \
-Dexec.args="-repo /path/of/project -commit <hash-of-merge-commit> -cp /path/of/class/files/folder"


Comma-separated list of entry points to be used in analysis.

This attribute is optional. If it is not sent, the analysis will look for the method that was changed by two developers at the same time, and will use it as an entry point.

This attribute only works in the analysis of OA inter and intra, DF inter and intra, DFP inter and intra,Confluence inter and intra, CD and PDG.

E.g.: [org.example.Main:void main(java.lang.String[])]