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The latest stable version of code with improvements and invisible humans can be found here: https://github.com/sphanit/cohan_planner_multi
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The CoHAN Planner provides a set of packages for the Human-Aware Robot Navigation in various contexts. These packages built over ROS navigation stack, includes humans into both global and local planners to plan a human-aware trajectory for the robot considering several social criteria. Our system also provides multiple modes of planning that shift based on the context or can be set manually by simple changing the parameters.
The system uses Human-Aware Timed Elastic Band (hateb) local planner for human-aware trajectory planning which is based on teb_local_planner ROS package.
Go here for ros-kinetic instalaltion guide.
If you are using our code for your research, please consider citing at least one of our papers (bibtex below).
sudo apt install python-pip python-catkin-tools
pip install scipy
mkdir -p cohan_ws/src
cd cohan_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/sphanit/CoHAN_Planner.git -b master
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=melodic -y
catkin build
Note: catkin build might make the cpu busy utilizing all threads if not configured properly, you can instead use it with less jobs. For example, catkin build -j4
, can run up to four jobs at a time.
Our packages are built as plugins to standard 2D navigation stack and hence they follow the same topics to publish navigation goals.
To include humans into the system, the tracked humans or the known humans have to be published on /tracked_humans
topic following the message structure provided here. All the message structures can be found in the human_msgs
package. The default segement for navigation is TORSO and hence care has to be taken while setting the type of TrackedSegment
Once the /tracked_humans
topic is available, the system automatically starts planning human aware paths and trajectories.
CoHAN_Navigation package provides some configuration files and examples for testing the system. It is strongly suggested to check these before you start experimenting.
author = {Singamaneni, Phani Teja and Favier, Anthony and Alami, Rachid},
title = {Human-Aware Navigation Planner for Diverse Human-Robot Ineraction Contexts},
booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = {2021},
author = {Singamaneni, Phani Teja and Alami, Rachid},
title = {HATEB-2: Reactive Planning and Decision making in Human-Robot Co-navigation},
booktitle = {International Conference on Robot \& Human Interactive Communication},
year = {2020},