sphereio / google-glass-demo

Sample application allowing to buy products managed in sphere.io using a google glass device.
MIT License
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Google Glass Sphere.io Demo

Build Status

This sample application allows to buy products managed in sphere.io using a google glass device.

Getting started

Check out our documentation to learn how to get started on https://developers.google.com/glass/gdk/index

Proper QR codes from produt SKUs can be created using generators like this: https://createqrcode.appspot.com/

Running the demo on Glass

There are two ways of launching the app. Via touch or using voice commands. From the main menu on the device you will see the following screen

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Here you can say "start shopping" or touch the menu item.

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A loading screen will appear. This screen will remain while the login process is running. Everytime the app is launched, the login will be done.

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Once the Login process is completed, you will be able to scan the QR code. It is important to check the QR size and the distances. Remember that the only data that needs to encoded in the QR code is the product SKU.

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Here you have two options. A single click will let you choose an action swiping left and right, via voice command will let you choose an action also. The action you need to call is "Start shopping"

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While reading the code you will see some blinking points on the display. Once the QR Code is read, a "beep" sound will be played. The image will be freezed few seconds (1 or 2) while the code is processed on the device.

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Once the product is gathered from Sphere.io API, the product detail information is displayed on the screen. The first time you load a new product the image retrieval could last a while, but don’t worry, next times, if the same image is needed the load will be faster because it remains cached on the app. Say "Ok Glass" to see the following two options: "Buy product" or "Scan another product".

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If you decide to buy the product a loading screen will appear. On this screen some API request will be done: create a cart, add the product to the cart, create order from cart and change order status to paid. Once this requests are answered from the API, the message “Purchase completed” will appear and will remain 1 second on the screen. Then the QR code scan screen will appear again.

Error Handling

Two kind of errors could be displayed while using the app. The first one is a connection error produced by any reason related with connectivity, like a weak wifi connection. The other error could happen when reading the QR Code. If the data provided by the code does not match any product on the API, it is not possible to show any information. In both cases an error screen is shown, it could be closed by swiping down on the glasses device. Automatically the previous screen will be shown.

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Build App

gradle build

The resulting apk packages are located in build folder `app/build/outputs/apk/.

Install App on Google Glass device


To uninstall the app, use the followong command.

adb uninstall com.sphere.io.glass