sphinx-extensions2 / sphinx-autodoc2

A Sphinx extension that automatically generates API documentation for your Python packages.
MIT License
70 stars 9 forks source link
autodoc sphinx


sphinx-autodoc2 is a Sphinx extension that automatically generates API documentation for your Python packages.

GitHub Repo stars PyPI

Static analysis of Python code

: There is no need to install your package to generate the documentation, and sphinx-autodoc2 will correctly handle if TYPE_CHECKING blocks and other typing only features. : You can even document packages from outside the project (via git clone)!

Optimized for rebuilds

: Analysis of packages and file rendering are cached, so you can use sphinx-autodoc2 in your development workflow.

Support for __all__

: sphinx-autodoc2 can follow __all__ variable, to only document the public API.

Support for both rst and md docstrings

: sphinx-autodoc2 supports both rst and md (MyST) docstrings, which can be mixed within the same project.

Highly configurable

: sphinx-autodoc2 is highly configurable, with many options to control the analysis and output of the documentation.

Decoupled analysis and rendering

: The analysis and rendering of the documentation are decoupled, and not dependent on Sphinx. : This means that you can use sphinx-autodoc2 to generate documentation outside of Sphinx (see the autodoc2 command line tool).

See the documentation for more information!

Design and comparison to sphinx-autoapi

I wanted an extension with the following goals:

I am not looking to support other languages tha Python (at least for now).

sphinx-autoapi was a good candidate, but it had a few issues:

I've use a lot of their code, for the astroid static analysis, but I've made a number of "improvements":


All configuration is mainly in pyproject.toml.

Use tox to run the tests.

pipx install tox
tox -av

Use pre-commit to run the linters and formatters.

pipx install pre-commit
pre-commit run --all-files
# pre-commit install

flit is used to build the package.

pipx install flit
flit build