A simple dstat data visualization tool
Just add dstat to your systems configuration, i.e.:
@Bean(name = Array("flink-1.0.3"))
def `flink-1.0.3`: Flink = new Flink(
version = "1.0.3",
configKey = "flink",
lifespan = Lifespan.EXPERIMENT,
dependencies = Set(ctx.getBean("dstat-0.7.2", classOf[Dstat])),
mc = ctx.getBean(classOf[Mustache.Compiler])
We require numpy >= 1.11, matplotlib >= 1.3.1, pandas >= 0.18. So either install these:
sudo pip install numpy
sudo pip install matplotlib
sudo pip install pandas
or upgrade them:
sudo pip install --upgrade numpy
sudo pip install --upgrade matplotlib
sudo pip install --upgrade pandas
git clone https://github.com/spi-x-i/shee.git
sudo python setup.py develop
Peel will save the dstats results in the following way:
So let's jump there:
cd ../peel_bundle/results/suite/experiment.runXX/logs/dstat/dstat-0.7.2/
and create charts specific for every single node:
python -m shee
If you want to get charts aggregated for the whole cluster you can run:
python -m shee -O -a