spice2x / spice2x.github.io

🌶️ spice2x is a spicier fork of SpiceTools with hundreds of bug fixes and new features 🌶️
GNU General Public License v3.0
87 stars 2 forks source link

This is the GitHub page for code development. If you just want to download the latest spice2x EXE, visit the homepage instead:

🌶️🌶️ https://spice2x.github.io/ 🌶️🌶️



spice2x is a fork of SpiceTools, focused on addressing bugs, usability, and quality-of-life improvements.

We do not use GitHub for source control, but we do use the issue tracker and the wiki. Source is distributed in the release package.

spice2x team does not provide any tools to circumvent software copy protection, nor distribute any copyright-protected game data.


List of supported games

Submitting to the Issue Tracker

Rules for filing a new issue or adding comments to existing issues in the tracker:

New GitHub accounts are prevented from creating new issues to prevent spam. Maintainers of this project reserve the right to close or delete any issues that violate the rules above, or low effort issues.


We encourage the community to submit patches via the issue tracker for any bug fixes or feature enhancements. If you want to resolve any reported (or not reported) bugs, implement features, add support for new games, or fix a known issue - feel free to reach out via the Issue tracker. All submitted code patches are assumed to be GPLv3 compliant.

Please see CONTRIBUTING page for a full list of guidelines when submitting code.