spig / pygments-xquery-lexer

A pygments lexer for the xquery language
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The xquery pygments lexer can be added to the pygments project by adding the xquery.py file to the pygments/lexers folder and by adding the following line to pygments/lexers/_mapping.py in the Lexers section.

'XQueryLexer': ('pygments.lexers.xquery', 'XQuery', ('xquery', 'xqy'), ('.xqy', '.xquery'), ('text/xquery', 'application/xquery')),

Be certain to include the trailing ',' if this is not the last line in the file.

Once this is installed properly, the pygmentize command should return 'XQuery' when given input of an xquery file with either extension of 'xquery' or 'xqy'.

This is a first draft and there are bugs. Probably a lot of them. This tries to use regular expressions and state transitions to be a parser of the xquery langauge.