spiglerg / DQN_DDQN_Dueling_and_DDPG_Tensorflow

Tensorflow + OpenAI Gym implementation of Deep Q-Network (DQN), Double DQN (DDQN), Dueling Network and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)
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Tensorflow implementation of [Dueling] [D]DQN + DDPG Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Tensorflow + OpenAI Gym implementation of two popular Deep Reinforcement Learning models:


Apart from the implementation per se, you might be interested in the implementation of the Experience Replay Memory, which is pretty fast, and the wrapper to pre-process OpenAI Gym frames for Atari games.

I have tried to keep the implementation as simple and minimal as possible, but still retaining all the important functionalities. For anything else, feel free to contact me!

(Older) DQN results: alt tag