spikeheap / spikeheap.github.io

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This is the personal blog of Ryan Brooks at http://www.ryanbrooks.co.uk. All content in this site are my opinions and not those of my employer or any other organisation I may be affiliated with.


Please see the license to see how you can use the content of this site.

If you've found an error, typo or stylistic faux-pas, please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.

If you just disagree with me, let's talk about it in the comments.

To do

Authoring notes

Embedded tweets

To embed a Tweet use the "Embed tweet" snippet from Twitter's website.

Developing locally

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

Deploying to GitHub pages


This script automatically pushes the build to the generated_site branch.

Resizing images

To resize to (e.g.) 900px:

npx sharp-cli resize 900 \
  --withoutEnlargement \
  --optimise \
  --progressive \
  --format input \
  --fit inside \
  --input $(find ./docs -name *.jpg -or -name *.png) \
  --output "{dir}/{base}"

Importing from Medium

Let's face it, I write too infrequently for this to be automated. To import a post from Medium:

  1. Use medium-to-markdown (or one of the other variants) to convert the HTML to markdown.
  2. Download images and update links to be local
  3. Update tweets to use Twitter embeds

Requirements when considering alternatives

  1. Honour permalinks from days gone by. The format for links is https://ryanbrooks.co.uk/posts/2016-05-19-nginx-docker-proxy/
  2. Slashes are optional. The following could both exist in the wild.
  3. Github-flavour markdown, including code blocks, are present in posts.
  4. Code blocks must be syntax highlighted!
  5. Tweets are included using