spilchen / yahoo_fantasy_api

python bindings for the Yahoo! Fantasy API (https://yahoo-fantasy-api.readthedocs.io/)
MIT License
87 stars 33 forks source link

================= yahoo_fantasy_api

Python bindings to the Yahoo! Fantasy API

Build status

.. image:: https://travis-ci.com/spilchen/yahoo_fantasy_api.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.com/spilchen/yahoo_fantasy_api

.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/yahoo-fantasy-api/badge/?version=latest :target: https://yahoo-fantasy-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest :alt: Documentation Status


This package can be installed via pip:


pip install yahoo_fantasy_api

or from the repo:


git clone https://github.com/spilchen/yahoo_fantasy_api cd yahoo_fantasy_api python setup.py install


The documentation are hosted at readthedocs.io: https://yahoo-fantasy-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Sample API Usage


In [1]: from yahoo_oauth import OAuth2

In [2]: import yahoo_fantasy_api as yfa

In [3]: sc = OAuth2(None, None, from_file='examples/oauth2.json') [2019-04-04 20:55:46,745 DEBUG] [yahoo_oauth.yahoo_oauth.init] Checking [2019-04-04 20:55:46,746 DEBUG] [yahoo_oauth.yahoo_oauth.token_is_valid] ELAPSED TIME : 416.15308594703674 [2019-04-04 20:55:46,746 DEBUG] [yahoo_oauth.yahoo_oauth.token_is_valid] TOKEN IS STILL VALID

In [4]: gm = yfa.Game(sc, 'mlb')

In [5]: gm.league_ids(year=2019) Out[5]: ['388.l.27081']

In [6]: lg = gm.to_league('388.l.27081')

In [7]: lg.stat_categories() Out[7]: [{'display_name': 'R', 'position_type': 'B'}, {'display_name': 'HR', 'position_type': 'B'}, {'display_name': 'RBI', 'position_type': 'B'}, {'display_name': 'SB', 'position_type': 'B'}, {'display_name': 'AVG', 'position_type': 'B'}, {'display_name': 'OBP', 'position_type': 'B'}, {'display_name': 'W', 'position_type': 'P'}, {'display_name': 'K', 'position_type': 'P'}, {'display_name': 'HLD', 'position_type': 'P'}, {'display_name': 'ERA', 'position_type': 'P'}, {'display_name': 'WHIP', 'position_type': 'P'}, {'display_name': 'NSV', 'position_type': 'P'}]

In [8]: lg.team_key() Out[8]: '388.l.27081.t.5'

In [9]: lg.current_week() Out[9]: 12

In [10]: lg.end_week() Out[10]: 24

In [11]: lg.week_date_range(12) Out[11]: (datetime.date(2019, 6, 17), datetime.date(2019, 6, 23))

In [12]: tm = lg.to_team('388.l.27081.t.5')

In [13]: tm.roster(1) Out[13]: [{'player_id': 8578, 'name': 'Buster Posey', 'position_type': 'B', 'eligible_positions': ['C', '1B', 'Util'], 'selected_position': 'C'}, {'player_id': 8967, 'name': 'Paul Goldschmidt', 'position_type': 'B', 'eligible_positions': ['1B', 'Util'], 'selected_position': '1B'}, {'player_id': 9961, 'name': 'Travis Shaw', 'position_type': 'B', 'eligible_positions': ['1B', '2B', '3B', 'Util'], 'selected_position': '2B'}, {'player_id': 9105, 'name': 'Nolan Arenado', 'position_type': 'B', 'eligible_positions': ['3B', 'Util'], 'selected_position': '3B'}, {'player_id': 9468, 'name': 'Jonathan Villar', 'position_type': 'B', 'eligible_positions': ['2B', 'SS', 'Util'], 'selected_position': 'SS'}, ... {'player_id': 7847, 'name': 'Andrew Miller', 'position_type': 'P', 'eligible_positions': ['RP'], 'selected_position': 'RP'}]

In [14]: fa_CF = lg.free_agents('CF')

In [15]: len(fa_CF) Out[15]: 60

In [11]: fa_CF[0] Out[11]: {'player_id': 8370, 'name': 'Dexter Fowler', 'position_type': 'B', 'eligible_positions': ['CF', 'RF', 'Util']}