spinal-cord-7t / coil-qc-code

7T Spinal Cord Coil QC Analysis Code
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Change homo sapiens for something more relevant for the phantom data #41

Open jcohenadad opened 2 months ago

jcohenadad commented 2 months ago


Kyota-exe commented 2 months ago

I've updated this in v1.1.0 of the phantom database to simply "phantom". Is this fine?

jcohenadad commented 2 months ago

Is there a BIDS term for phantom? can you please look into it and/or post on BIDS/neurostars forum?

Kyota-exe commented 2 months ago

There doesn't seem to be any information in the BIDS specification; the only part of the spec that mentions phantoms is this block about examples on dataset_description.json, which doesn't mention anything about the species field.

The page that explains what the values for the species value should be in participants.tsv states that it should be a binomial species name from the NCBI Taxonomy, which is why I initially set it as homo sapiens (since SpinozaV6 is a phantom of a human). Maybe the solution would be to set it as homo sapiens but mention in the README that it's a database of phantom scan data?

In any case, I will make a post on the BIDS/neurostars forum asking about this.

Kyota-exe commented 2 months ago

I made a post on the BIDS/neurostars forum: https://neurostars.org/t/bids-species-name-for-phantom-subject/29149

Kyota-exe commented 1 month ago

We haven't received any responses on the post I made. Are there any thoughts on my proposed solution of setting the species as homo sapiens (since the BIDS documentation says it must be a valid binomial species name from the NCBI taxonomy) and adding a README that states that all these scans are from a phantom subject?

evaalonsoortiz commented 1 month ago

I am fine with doing that, we can change it if we ever get a reply.

jcohenadad commented 1 month ago

I'm not a big fan of setting it to homo sapiens because, well, it is not homo sapiens but a phantom. I would rather call it phantom.