spinal-cord-7t / coil-qc-code

7T Spinal Cord Coil QC Analysis Code
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Integrate Jupyter notebook with GitHub for easy review #6

Closed jcohenadad closed 6 months ago

jcohenadad commented 7 months ago

Maybe the feature is already integrated by default?

More details at: https://blog.reviewnb.com/how-to-add-comments-to-notebook-diffs-github/

jcohenadad commented 7 months ago

@Kyota-exe I just accepted the access:


Kyota-exe commented 7 months ago

Hello Dr. Cohen-Adad, thank you for the access. To push notebook changes from Google Colab to GitHub, I am using the GitHub integration in Google Colab, which allows me to "Save a copy to GitHub". This uploads the notebook to this repository with a "Open in Colab" badge. Even after clearing outputs before pushing a commit (5a9b793) however, it is still impossible to comment on specific cells in the notebook code in GitHub. The GitHub integration for Google Colab is thus limited.

The article you linked mentions ReviewNB as being a way we can comment on specific notebook cells. I tried it and it works, but you have to write the comments on their website, and they are not accessible from the GitHub interface. Here is the link for the ReviewNB for this repository and this is the comment I made on ReviewNB to test it.

Should we use ReviewNB for commenting on the notebook code? It seems to be the most straightforward way to make comments on specific notebook cells, but having to use a new website just for the comments is a bit annoying. Personally, I think being able to write comments on the commit (and not on a specific notebook cell) is enough for the notebook code.

evaalonsoortiz commented 7 months ago

For what it's worth, I tried out ReviewNB as well and think adding another website to our workflow is a bit annoying too. I'm happy to stick to Githib comments, but will adapt!

jcohenadad commented 7 months ago

agreed, let’s stick to comments on github’s commits

evaalonsoortiz commented 6 months ago

@jcohenadad I will close this issue unless you object.