spinspire / pocketbase-sveltekit-starter

a starter project to build a SvelteKit frontend with PocketBase backend
MIT License
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backend frontend pocketbase svelte sveltejs sveltekit

PocketBase / SvelteKit Starter App

Use this app as a starting point for your own customized PocketBase backend with SvelteKit frontend. This is a high-performance frontend+backend combination, since frontend is static and backend is a single compiled Golang binary (JAMstack baby!).

To understand the backend, see ./pb/README.md ("pb" == PocketBase) To understand the frontend, see ./sk/README.md ("sk" == SvelteKit)

Read those README files before proceeding.


Follow these steps CAREFULLY, or else it won't work. Also read the README files referred above before proceeding.

With Docker

This method is the most recommended method for setting up this application in most use cases, especially when customizing with Go code.

Make sure your Docker daemon is running then complete the following steps:

  1. Copy.env.example to .env and then edit it to match your environment. Also, if you wish, copy docker-compose.override.yml to docker-compose.override.yml and edit it to your taste before proceeding. And then just run docker compose up -d.
  2. Open a new terminal and navigate to the /sk directory. Install dependencies by running npx pnpm install
  3. In the same terminal, after the dependencies are installed, run the command npm run dev:backend This runs go build in the /pb directory and runs modd for live development on a backend server
  4. Open a seperate terminal, navigate to the /sk directory, and run the command npm run dev. This starts the frontend dev server.
  5. Both sides are working if you navigate to the "Hello" page on the development server and there is an API response that says "Hello World!"

With pocketbase binary

This method is a good alternative for simple use cases that don't use either Docker or Go, and instead uses JavaScript-exclusive customizations.

  1. Download the latest version of PocketBase.
    • The versions support Darwin, Linux, and Windows. Make sure that you download the correct version that supports itself within the OS that you are using.
  2. Extract the pocketbase.exe from the .zip file you downloaded into the /pb folder within your project.
  3. Set up the backend
    • Open a new terminal, navigate to the /sk directory and run the command npm run backend
      • For Windows: You will have to edit the "backend" script in the ./sk/package.json file to cd .. && cd pb && pocketbase serve --publicDir=../sk/build
      • For Mac: Please contribute
  4. Set up the frontend
    • Open a new terminal, navigate to the /sk directory and run the following
      • First install dependencies using npx pnpm install
      • Then, npm run dev
  5. Extend JavaScript by checking out this documentation here..

With Go Tools

This method works if you have Go Tools installed and want to set up the machine directly on your specific OS and you don't want to use Docker.

  1. Verify that the Go compiler is installed on your machine by opening a terminal and running go version. If there is an error, set up the go compiler in acccordance with the type of OS you are using.
  2. Make sure you go.mod file is ready to be built by navigating to the /pb directory and running go mod tidy in the terminal, especially if the file is throwing errors.
  3. In the same terminal, run go build. This may take a moment
    • If you want to use modd for live devlopment, after building, install the latest version by running go install github.com/cortesi/modd/cmd/modd@latest, test the installation by running modd. If successful, data migration should occur and a backend development server should be running. You can learn more by reading about it in the README located in the /pb directory.
  4. Open a new terminal, and run cd sk && npm run develop. When you open the localhost page in your browser, the “Hello” page should have an “Hello World” message coming from the API response


Visit http://localhost:5173 (sk) or http://localhost:8090 (pb)

If you are running modd, making changes in the Svelte code (frontend) or Go code (backend) will show results (almost) immediately.


To use the app as a user / tester ...

The above are just some sample features. Now go ahead and implement all kinds of new features.


See the build process details in the README files for backend and frontend.

Configurable Hooks

Please read about the "hooks" system in ./pb/README.md It is a very easy and powerful way to extend your application with minimal configuration and perhaps no code.


Please provide feedback by opening an issue or starting a discussion.