spinza / tuya_mqtt

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This links Tuya devices to MQTT using the following:


  1. Clone this project.
  2. cd tuya_mqtt
  3. Setup the python3 environment using by running python3 -m venv .venv
  4. Activate the environment by running source .venv/bin/activate.
  5. Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt. This would also install tinytuya needed for the following steps.
  6. Follow the instructions for tinytuya here.
    • Note tinytuya is already installed above so no need to install it.
    • Start under the heading "Setup Wizard - Getting Local Keys"
      1. Setup the Tuya app.
      2. Setup a Tuya account.
      3. Run the wizard tool (try and run it at least 24h after your devices was connected to the Tuya account/cloud).
        • Note the properites here is discovered via the cloud, so run the wizard tool at least 24h after your device was connected to the Tuya cloud.
  7. Copy config_sample.py to config.py and edit appropriately.
  8. You can then run the server by running ./server.py.
  9. The service can also be activated copying the service file tuya_mqtt.service to an appropriate location and editing the file to match your setup.

Some things to note: