spitschan / SilentSubstitutionToolbox

Toolbox to simulate colorimetric observers for evaluation of photoreceptor isolation
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Silent Substitution Toolbox


1. Description

MATLAB toolbox to compute estimates of human photoreceptor spectral sensitivities, compute silent substitution spectral modulations for a variety of devices (including standard monitors and devices with many narrowband primaries), and to estimate the normal variation of photoreceptor spectral sensitivities and how much contrast splatter a given modulation can be expected to produce on nominally silenced photoreceptors.

2. License

This software is licensed under the license specified in LICENSE.md (MIT License). The code may be used freely. Using it to compute robust modulations by silencing multiple photoreceptor classes is covered by a U.S. Patent Application (United States Patent Application 14/852001, "ROBUST TARGETING OF PHOTOSENSITIVE MOLECULES", 09/11/2015) and is subject to licensing.

3. Developers

This software is developed by:

4. Citing

If you use this code in support of work in a published paper, please cite us:

5. Dependencies and pre-requisites

The Silent Substitution Toolbox relies on functions from Psychtoolbox-3 and the Brainard Lab Toolbox. These dependencies can be obtained manually and put on the path. Alternatively, they can be obtained using ToolboxToolbox (TbTb). Once TbTb is installed, simply run:


To check if the requirements are fullfilled, run the function:


It will check if the required toolboxes are on the path and yell at you if they're not.

6. Use

For an overview of the functions contained within this toolbox, please look at Contents.m.

7. Version history

7. Questions, Feedback?

Please open an issue on the GitHub page for this toolbox. For other questions, email Manuel Spitschan.