spivet / vscode-vuex-peek

Allows peek and goto vuex definition for Vue components
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This extension extends Vue code editing with Go To Definition and Peek Definition support. It helps us quickly jump to or peek the file where the vuex property defined from a .vue component.


You can also use Ctrl + click to jump to the postion where the vuex property defined.

How to use

Whene we reference the vuex property in our .vue components, it's not a regular uri. So we must follow some rules for parsing the path. This includes:

  1. Put all your store files in store folder, if you only use a store.js, it won't be useful.

  2. You need to separate store to different files, like this:


  1. You need to add prefix for alias when you use in .vue components:

    // Add `vxs` for State alias
        vxsAccountInfo: state => state.account.accountInfo
    // Add `vxg` for Getters alias
        vxgDoneCount: 'doneCount'
    // Add `vxa` for Actions alias
        vxaGetStudent: 'student/getStudent'
    // Add `vxm` for Mutations alias
        vxmSetStudent: 'student/setStudent'
  2. Configure the path of store folder in settings.json, if you don't do that, the default value is ["src"]:

      "vuex_peek.storePath": [
  3. 模块查找不支持驼峰命名

Release Notes

