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Redis Cluster Mode? #229

Open dncrews opened 1 year ago

dncrews commented 1 year ago

Do y'all have any plans to support Redis in cluster mode?

The fact that it does or doesn't support it doesn't appear to be documented anywhere, and the Redis configuration documentation uses the word cluster, so the assumption was made...


  1. Everything comes back as "control"
  2. Digging further: if we were to add a log here we would see that every single request comes back as MOVED, meaning the root node is trying to do load balancing
    • Side note: it sure would be great if there were a log or something there. It sure is frustrating having to debug this thing in tsc-generated code, and figuring out what's wrong took over a dozen hours of deconstructing this thing. ioredis uses debug. It might be nice if you used the same, but no pressure :)

Root Cause:

Apparently the RedisAdapater always extends ioredis and doesn't have any support for ioredis.Cluster, which is what is required.

radiantstatic commented 2 months ago

This is especially frustrating given the fact that the external Split Synchronizer allows for Cluster configuration - https://help.split.io/hc/en-us/articles/360019686092-Split-Synchronizer#advanced-configuration