This library is designed to work with Split, the platform for controlled rollouts, which serves features to your users via feature flags to manage your complete customer experience.
This library is compatible with JavaScript ES5 and above.
Please see Contributors Guide to find all you need to submit a Pull Request (PR).
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See: Apache License.
Split is the leading Feature Delivery Platform for engineering teams that want to confidently deploy features as fast as they can develop them. Split’s fine-grained management, real-time monitoring, and data-driven experimentation ensure that new features will improve the customer experience without breaking or degrading performance. Companies like Twilio, Salesforce, GoDaddy and WePay trust Split to power their feature delivery.
To learn more about Split, contact, or get started with feature flags for free at
Split has built and maintains SDKs for:
For a comprehensive list of open source projects visit our Github page.
Learn more about Split:
Visit for an overview of Split, or visit our documentation at for more detailed information.