splunk / ansible-role-for-splunk

Splunk@Splunk's Ansible role for installing Splunk, upgrading Splunk, and installing apps/addons on Splunk deployments (VM/bare metal)
Apache License 2.0
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anisble-role ansible ansible-playbooks ansible-role-for-splunk automation configuration-management git splunk splunk-admins splunk-ansible splunk-apps splunk-deployments splunk-forwarder splunk-installations splunk-role splunk-universal-forwarders splunk-upgrade

ansible-role-for-splunk: An Ansible role for Splunk admins

License  GitHub release

This repository contains Splunk's official Ansible role for performing Splunk administration of remote hosts over SSH. This role can manage Splunk Enterprise and Universal Forwarders that are on Linux-based platforms (CentOS/Redhat/Ubuntu/Amazon Linux/OpenSUSE), as well as deploy configurations from Git repositories. Example playbooks and inventory files are also provided to help new Ansible users make the most out of this project.

ansible-role-for-splunk is used by the Splunk@Splunk team to manage Splunk's corporate deployment of Splunk.

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Getting Started
  3. Extended Documentation
  4. Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Support
  6. License


What is ansible-role-for-splunk?

ansible-role-for-splunk is a single Ansible role for deploying and administering production Splunk deployments. It supports all Splunk deployment roles (Universal Forwarder, Heavy Forwarder, Indexer, Search Head, Deployment Server, Cluster Master, SHC Deployer, DMC, License Master) as well as management of all apps and configurations (via git repositories).

This codebase is used by the Splunk@Splunk team internally to manage our deployment, so it has been thoroughly vetted since it was first developed in late 2018. For more information about Ansible best practices, checkout our related .conf20 session for this project.

Design Philosophy

A few different design philosophies have been applied in the development of this project.

First, ansible-role-for-splunk was designed under the "Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)" philosophy. This means that the project contains minimal code redundancy. If you want to fork this project and change any functionality, you only need to update the code in one place.

Second, ansible-role-for-splunk was designed to be idempotent. This means that if the system is already in the desired state that Ansible expects, it will not make any changes. This even applies to our app management code, which can update apps on search heads without modifying existing local/ files that may have been created through actions in Splunk Web. For example, if you want to upgrade an app on a search head, and your repository does not contain a local/ folder, Ansible will not touch the existing local/ folder on the search head. This is accomplished using the synchronize module. For more information on that, refer to the configure_apps.yml task description.

Third, ansible-role-for-splunk was designed to manage all Splunk configurations as code. What do I mean by that? You're not going to find tasks for installing web certificates, templating indexes.conf, or managing every Splunk configuration possible. Instead, you will find that we have a generic configure_apps.yml task which can deploy any version of any git repository to any path under $SPLUNK_HOME on the hosts in your inventory. We believe that having all configurations in git repositories is the best way to perform version control and configuration management for Splunk deployments. That said, we've made a handful of exceptions:

  1. Creation of the local splunk admin user. We are able to do this securely using ansible-vault to encrypt splunk_admin_password so that we can create a user-seed.conf during the initial installation. Please note that if you do not configure the splunk_admin_password variable with a new value, an admin account will not be created when deploying a new Splunk installation via check_splunk.yml.
  2. Configuring deploymentclient.conf for Deployment Server (DS) clients. We realize that some environments may have hundreds of clientNames configured and that creating a git repository for each variation would be pretty inefficient. Therefore, we support configuring deploymentclient.conf for your Ansible-managed forwarders using variables. The current version is based on a single template that supports only the clientName and targetUri keys. However, this can be easily extended with additional variables (or static content) of your choosing.
  3. Deployment of a new search head cluster. In order to initialize a new search head cluster, we cannot rely solely on creating backend files. Therefore, the role supports deploy a new search head cluster using provided variable values that are stored in your Ansible configurations (preferably via group_vars, although host_vars or inventory variables will also work).

Getting Started

Getting started with this role will requires you to:

  1. Install Ansible (version >=v2.7 is supported and should work through v2.10)
  2. Setup your inventory correctly
  3. Configure the appropriate variables to describe the desired state of your environment
  4. Create a playbook or leverage one of the included example playbooks that specifies the deployment_task you'd like to run

Ansible Setup

Ansible only needs to be installed on the host that you want to use to manage your Splunk deployments. We recommend having a dedicated server that is used only for Ansible orchestration, but technically you can run Ansible from any host, including your laptop, as long as you have the network connectivity and credentials required to SSH into hosts that are in your Ansible inventory.


The layout of your inventory is critical for the tasks included in ansible-role-for-splunk to run correctly. The "role" of your host is determined by it being a member of one or more inventory groups that define its Splunk role. Ansible expects each host to be a member of one of these groups and uses that membership to determine the package that should be used, the installation path, the default deployment path for app deployments, and several other things. The following group names are currently supported:

Note that in Ansible you may nest groups within groups, and groups within those groups, and so on. We depend on this heavily to differentiate a full Splunk installation vs a Universal Forwarder (UF) installation, and to map variables in group_vars to specific groups of hosts. You will see examples of this within the sample inventory.yml files that are included in the "environments" folder of this project.


As proper usage of this role requires a thorough understanding of variables, familiarity with Ansible variable precedence is highly recommended. Almost all variables used in this role have been added to roles/splunk/defaults/main.yml (lowest precendence) for reference. Default values of "unconfigured" are automatically ignored at the task level.

Although a number of variables ship with this role, many of them automatically configure themselves when the play is executed. For example, during the upgrade check, the desired version of Splunk that you want to be at is based solely upon the value of splunk_package_url_full or splunk_package_url_uf. We extract the version and build numbers from the URL automagically, and then compare those values to the output of the "splunk version" command during the check_splunk.yml task to determine if an upgrade is required or not.

There are a few variables that need to configure out of the box to use this role with your environment:

splunk_uri_lm - The URI for your license master (e.g. https://my_license_master:8089)
ansible_user - The username that you want Ansible to connect as for SSH access
ansible_ssh_private_key_file - The file path to the private key that the Ansible user should use for SSH access authentication

In addition, you may want to configure some of the optional variables that are mentioned in roles/splunk/defaults/main.yml to manage things like splunk.secret, send Slack notifications, automatically install useful scripts or additional Linux packages, etc. For a full description of the configurable variables, refer to the comments in roles/splunk/defaults/main.yml and be sure to read-up on the task descriptions in this README file.

As of the v1.0.4 release for this role, an additional variable called target_shc_group_name must be defined in the host_vars for each SHC Deployer host. This variable tells Ansible which group of hosts in the inventory contain the SHC members that the SHC Deployer host is managing. This change improves the app deployment process for SHCs by performing a REST call to the first SH in the list from the inventory group whose name matches the value of target_shc_group_name. If the SHC is not in a ready state, then the play will halt and no changes will be made. It will also automatically grab the captain URI and use the captain as the deploy target for the apply shcluster-bundle handler. An example of how target_shc_group_name should be used has been included in the sample inventory at environments/production/inventory.yml.

In order to use the app management functionality, you will need to configure the following additional variables:

git_server: ssh://git@git.mydomain.com
git_key: ~/.ssh/mygit.key
git_project: FOO
git_version: bar
  - name: my_app
    version: master

You will find additional examples in the included sample group_vars and host_vars files. Note that you may also specify git_server, git_key, git_project, and git_version within git_apps down to the repository (name) level. You may also override the auto-configured splunk_app_deploy_path at the repository level as well. For example, to deploy apps to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps on a deployment server rather than the default of $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps. If not set, configure_apps.yml will determine the app deployment path based on the host's group membership within the inventory. Tip: If you only use one git server, you may want to define the git_server and related values in an all.yml group_var file.

Configure local splunk admin password at install

splunk_admin_username: youradminusername (optional, defaults to admin)
splunk_admin_password: yourpassword (required, but see note below about encryption)

Note: If you do not configure these 2 variables, new Splunk installations will be installed without an admin account present. This has no impact on upgrades to existing installations.

Configure splunk admin password for existing installations We recommend that the splunk_admin_username (if not using "admin) and splunk_admin_password variables be configured in either group_vars or host_vars. If you use the same username and/or password across your deployment, then an all.yml group_vars file is a great location. If you have different passwords for different hosts, then place these variables in a corresponding group_vars or host_vars file. You can then encrypt the password to use in-line with other unencrypted variables by using the following command: ansible-vault encrypt_string --ask-vault-pass 'var_value_to_encrypt' --name 'splunk_admin_password'. Once that is done, use either the --ask-vault-pass or --vault-password-file argument when running the playbook to have Ansible automatically decrypt the value for the play to use.


The following example playbooks have been included in this project for your reference:

Extended Documentation

This section contains additional reference documentation.

Task File Descriptions

Note: Any task with an adhoc prefix means that it can be used independently as a deployment_task in a playbook. You can use the tasks to resolve various Splunk problems or perform one-time activities, such as decommissioning an indexer from an indexer cluster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between this and splunk-ansible?

A: The splunk-ansible project was built for the docker-splunk project, which is a completely different use case. The way that docker-splunk works is by spinning-up an image that already has splunk-ansible inside of it, and then any arguments provided to Docker are passed into splunk-ansible so that it can run locally inside of the container to install and configure Splunk there. While it's a cool use case, we didn't feel that splunk-ansible met our needs as Splunk administrators to manage production Splunk deployments, so we wrote our own.

Q: When using configure_apps.yml, the play fails on the synchronize module. What gives?

A: This is due to a known Ansible bug related to password-based authentication. To workaround this issue, use a key pair for SSH authentication instead by setting the ansible_user and ansible_ssh_private_key_file variables.


If you have questions or need support, you can:


Copyright 2018-2021 Splunk.

Distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license, ansible-role-for-splunk is free and open-source software.