splunk / utbox

URL Toolbox (UTBox) is a set of building blocks for Splunk specially created for URL manipulation. UTBox has been created to be modular, easy to use and easy to deploy in any Splunk environments.
Apache License 2.0
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URL Toolbox

Building blocks for URL Manipulation in Splunk Enterprise

Documentation · Report Bug · Splunkbase

About The Project

URL Toolbox (UTBox) is a set of building blocks for Splunk specially created for URL manipulation. UTBox has been created to be modular, easy to use and easy to deploy in any Splunk environments.

One of the core feature of UTBox is to correctly parse URLs and complicated TLDs (Top Level Domain) using the Mozilla Suffix List. Other functions like shannon entropy, counting, suites, meaning ratio, bayesian analysis, etc, are also available.

UTBox has firstly be created for security analysts but may fit other needs as it’s a set of building blocks. UTBox only needs to be deployed on Splunk Search Heads (the bundles will automatically be sent to your Splunk Indexers). Finally, each lookups is shipped with a macro to make it easier to use.

Read about this app on Splunk Blogs!

Getting Started

This section outlines the steps required to use the app on a Splunk Enterprise environment. If you want to develop the code base further, refer to the Development section of this README.



The easiest way to install the URL Toolbox is via the in-product app browser (Manage Apps -> Browse More Apps). It will allow you to install the latest version from Splunkbase.

If you need a specific version of the app or you want to inspect the app bundle before installation, please refer to the Splunk Documentation for your respective platform. This app needs to be installed on the Search tier of your deployment.


This app provides a set of macros that simplify the interaction with the bundled lookups.

Please find below some selected samples of commands and their respective output. Please find more in-depth examples and explanation in the docs.



|makeresults count=1 
| eval url="https://splunk.com" 
| `ut_parse_simple(url)`
Output _time url ut_fragment ut_netloc ut_params ut_path ut_query ut_scheme
2021-12-16T10:29:07.000+0000 https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/security/ut-parsing-domains-like-house-slytherin.html None www.splunk.com None /en_us/blog/security/ut-parsing-domains-like-house-slytherin.html None https



|makeresults count=1 
| eval url="https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/security/ut-parsing-domains-like-house-slytherin.html", list="*" 
| `ut_parse(url, list)`
Output _time list url ut_domain ut_domain_without_tld ut_fragment ut_netloc ut_params ut_path ut_port ut_query ut_scheme ut_subdomain ut_subdomain_count ut_subdomain_level_1 ut_tld
2021-12-16T10:30:00.000+0000 * https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/security/ut-parsing-domains-like-house-slytherin.html splunk.com splunk None www.splunk.com None /en_us/blog/security/ut-parsing-domains-like-house-slytherin.html 80 None https www 1 www com



|makeresults count=1 
| eval url="buttercup" 
| `ut_shannon(url)`
Output _time url ut_shannon
2021-12-16T10:32:19.000+0000 buttercup 2.725480556997868



|makeresults count=1 
| eval url="buttercup"
| eval set="tu" 
| `ut_countset(url,set)`
Output _time set url ut_countset
2021-12-16T10:34:17.000+0000 tu buttercup {"ut_countset": {"sum": 4, "74": 2, "75": 2}}


Development Setup

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Symlink the utbox directory to your $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/ directory.

If you want to use docker compose, you can run

docker compose up

to get a local Splunk environment with the app mounted into `$SPLUNK/etc/apps/utbox.

Running Tests

make test

Creating a release bundle

Run the package target in the provided Makefile.

make package

This will create an app package in dist/utbox.tar.gz


Please refer to the License on Splunkbase.

Bug Fixes / Enhancement Requests

🐞 ✍🏼 💡 Create issue with appropriate label to submit the request.


SPL: index=_internal ERROR *bin/ut_*py
