spolu / dump

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Dump -- Relentless journaling

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Build Instructions


Install Flutter

Follow Flutter's Install Instructions

Switch to the dev channel and enable MacOS with:

flutter channel dev
sudo gem install cocoapods
flutter config --enable-macos-desktop

Install Rust

Follow Rust's Install Instructions

Clone Dump

git clone https://github.com/spolu/dump.git
cd dump

Build Rust libraries

cd srv && cargo build --release && cd ..
cd srv && cargo lipo --targets x86_64-apple-ios,aarch64-apple-ios --release && cd ..
cd srv && cbindgen ./src/lib.rs -c cbindgen.toml | grep -v \#include | uniq > target/bindings.h && cd ..

cp srv/target/release/libsrv.dylib app/macos/
cp srv/target/bindings.h app/ios/Runner
cp srv/target/universal/release/libsrv.a app/ios/

Build MacOS app

cd app && flutter build macos --release && cd ..

Running Dump

Start the MacOS app:

open ./app/build/macos/Build/Products/Release/Dump.app