sponnet / locals-faucetserver

a (testnet) Ether faucet with a React frontend and a REST API
MIT License
155 stars 71 forks source link


An Ethereum faucet with a React frontend and a REST API. Works on any network you configure (and fund the faucet account ofcourse).



cd locals-faucetserver
npm install
cd static
yarn build
cd ..

Configuring the faucet API

Create a lightwallet wallet.json

node mkwallet.js test > wallet.json

You can change test to whatever the password is that you want to encrypt your wallet with.

Create a config file config.json

    "etherscanroot": "http://testnet.etherscan.io/address/",
    "payoutfrequencyinsec": 60,
    "payoutamountinether": 0.1,
    "queuesize": 5,
    "walletpwd": "test",
    "httpport": 3000,
    "web3": {
        "host": "http://<YOUR ETH NODE>:8545"

Start your faucet:

node index.js

Configuring the faucet frontend

edit the file static/src/config.js and specify the base URL for your API


You can access our Ropsten testnet faucet at: https://faucet.ropsten.be/



GET https://faucet.ropsten.be/donate/{ethereum address}

Request parameters

ethereum address your ethereum address

Response format

"paydate": 1461335186,
"address": "0x687422eea2cb73b5d3e242ba5456b782919afc85",
"amount": 1000000000000000000,
"txhash": "0x..."

HTTP Return / error codes