spoonconsulting / cordova-plugin-simple-camera-preview

cordova plugin for a showing simple camera preview
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Cordova Plugin Simple Camera Preview

Cordova plugin that allows simple camera preview and taking pictures from Javascript and HTML


cordova plugin add https://github.com/spoonconsulting/cordova-plugin-simple-camera-preview.git

ionic cordova plugin add https://github.com/spoonconsulting/cordova-plugin-simple-camera-preview.git

Make the webview html background color transparent.

html, body, .ion-app, .ion-content {
  background-color: transparent;


Uses Google's CameraX API


setOptions(options, successCallback, errorCallback)

Get the ratio for the camera preview instance (4:3, 16:9, ....).

const params = {
  targetSize: 1024,

SimpleCameraPreview.setOptions(params, (ratio) => {

enable(options, successCallback, errorCallback)

Starts the camera preview instance.

const params = {
  targetSize: 1024,
  direction: 'back', // Camera direction (front or back). Default is back.

SimpleCameraPreview.enable(params, () => {
  console.log("Camera enabled");

disable(successCallback, errorCallback)

Stops the camera preview instance.
```javascript SimpleCameraPreview.disable(params, () => { console.log("Camera disabled"); }); ``` ### capture(options, successCallback, errorCallback) Take the picture
```javascript let options = { flash: true, }; SimpleCameraPreview.capture(options, (imagaeNativePath) => { console.log(imagaeNativePath); }); ``` ### setSize(options, successCallback, errorCallback) Set the camera frame size
```javascript let size = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1080, height: 1920, }; SimpleCameraPreview.setSize(size, () => { console.log("Camera frame size set"); }); ``` ### deviceHasUltraWideCamera(successCallback, errorCallback) Check if device has ultra-wide camera
```javascript SimpleCameraPreview.deviceHasUltraWideCamera(size, (value: boolean) => { console.log("Device has ultra-wide camera?: ", value); }); ``` ### switchCameraTo(option, successCallback, errorCallback) Switch camera between wide or auto The variable lens can take two values: ```javascript "wide" or "auto" ```
```javascript const params = { lens: "wide", } SimpleCameraPreview.switchCameraTo( params, (value: unknown) => { return (typeof value === "boolean" ? value : false); }, (e: unknown) => { console.log("cannot switch camera: ", e); } ); ```