spotify / hdfs2cass

Hadoop mapreduce job to bulk load data into Cassandra
Apache License 2.0
75 stars 21 forks source link


Note: This project has been discontinued.

hdfs2cass is a wrapper around BulkOutputFormat(s) of Apache Cassandra (C*). It is written using Apache Crunch's API in attempt to make moving data from Hadoop's HDFS into C* easy.


Here's a quick walkthrough of what needs to be done to successfully run hdfs2cass.

Set up a C* cluster

To start with, let's assume we have a C* cluster running somewhere and one host in that cluster having a hostname of:

In that cluster, we create the following schema:

CREATE KEYSPACE example WITH replication = {
  'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};
CREATE TABLE example.songstreams (
  user_id text,
  timestamp bigint,
  song_id text,
  PRIMARY KEY (user_id));

Get some Avro files

Next, we'll need some Avro files. Check out this tutorial to see how to get started with Avro. We will assume the Avro files have this schema:

{"namespace": "example.hdfs2cass",
 "type": "record",
 "name": "SongStream",
 "fields": [
     {"name": "user_id", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "timestamp", "type": "int"},
     {"name": "song_id", "type": "int"}

We will place files of this schema on our (imaginary) Hadoop file system (HDFS) to a location


Run hdfs2cass

Things should™ work out of the box by doing:

$ git clone this-repository && cd this-repository
$ mvn package
$ JAR=target/spotify-hdfs2cass-2.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
$ CLASS=com.spotify.hdfs2cass.Hdfs2Cass
$ INPUT=/example/path/songstreams
$ OUTPUT=cql://
$ hadoop jar $JAR $CLASS --input $INPUT --output $OUTPUT

This should run a hdfs2cass export with 5 reducers.

Check data in C*

If we're lucky, we should eventually see our data in C*:

$ cqlsh $( -e "SELECT * from example.songstreams limit 1;"

  user_id |  timestamp |   song_id
rincewind |   12345678 | 43e0-e12s

Additional Arguments

hdfs2cass supports additional arguments:

Output URI Format

The format of the output URI is:


The protocols in the output URI can be either cql or thrift. They are used to determine what type of C* column family the data is imported into. The port is the binary protocol port C* listens to client connections on.

The params... are all optional. They can be:

More info

For more examples and information, please go ahead and check how hdfs2cass works. You'll find examples of Apache Crunch jobs that can serve as a source of inspiration.