spotinst / spotinst-sdk-python

Spotinst SDK for the Python programming language.
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 17 forks source link
core-infra netapp-public owned-by-anurag-sharma

Build Status Coverage Status Python 2.7 Python 3.6

Spotinst SDK Python

The official Spotinst SDK for the Python programming language.

Version 2

The new Spotinst Python SDK comes with a few breaking changes but do not fear, here we will explain all you need to know to make sure you can go right back in buisness in no time.

Here is a basic example of how to create an Ocean cluster using the Ocean Client and the Ocean Models

from spotinst_sdk2 import SpotinstSession
from import *

session = SpotinstSession()
client = session.client("ocean_aws")

################ Compute ################
launch_specification = LaunchSpecifications(security_group_ids=["sg-12345"],
 image_id="ami-12345", key_pair="Noam-key")

instance_types = InstanceTypes(whitelist=["c4.8xlarge"])

compute = Compute(instance_types=instance_types, 
  subnet_ids=["subnet-1234"], launch_specification=launch_specification)

################ Strategy ################

strategy = Strategy(utilize_reserved_instances=False, fallback_to_od=True, spot_percentage=100)

################ Capacity ################

capacity = Capacity(minimum=0, maximum=0, target=0)

################# Ocean #################

ocean = Ocean(name="Ocean SDK Test", controller_cluster_id="ocean.k8s", 
  region="us-west-2", capacity=capacity, strategy=strategy, compute=compute)


In the SDK Client documentation you can view what methods are supported by each client.
For information on what models are supported checkout the SDK Model documentation.
More examples can be found in the SDK Examples Documentation.

Table of Contents


pip install --upgrade spotinst-sdk2


The mechanism in which the SDK looks for credentials is to search through a list of possible locations and stop as soon as it finds credentials. The order in which the SDK searches for credentials is:

  1. Passing credentials as parameters when creating a SpotinstSession object:
session = SpotinstSession(auth_token='foo', account_id='bar')
  1. Environment variables:
  1. Shared credentials file:
token   = foo
account = bar
token   = foo
account = bar

token   = foo2
account = bar2

token   = foo3
account = bar3
  token: foo
  account: bar

  token: foo2
  account: bar2

  token: foo3
  account: bar3
export SPOTINST_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/path/to/credentials_file
session = SpotinstSession(credentials_file='/path/to/credentials_file', profile='dev')

Setup Clients

After a session is created you can use the session object to create clients. Clients are used to make request to the different services that Spotinsts has to offer. To create a client simply use the method client from the session object and pass in the string of the client you wish to create. Here is an example:

session = SpotinstSession()

eg_client = session.client("elastigroup_aws")
ocean_client = session.client("ocean")

Take note you can create more than one client with the session. The currently supported clients are

Client Options

A full list of endpoints and clients can be found in the documentation here.


For a comprehensive documentation, check out the API documentation.

Getting Help

We use GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests. Please use these community resources for getting help:



Code is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See for complete details, including software and third-party licenses and permissions.