Terraform GCP Examples for Spot.io
The module will automatically connect your GCP project to the Spot account via Terraform.
This module is an improved version of the previously available https://github.com/spotinst/terraform-spotinst-gcp-connect module, but it is not backward compatible. It should only be used to onboard new GCP projects to Spot.
Note - Do not upgrade to this module if you have previously onboarded a GCP project to spot using the 'terraform-spotinst-gcp-connect' module.
- Spot Organization Admin API token.
#Call the spot module to create a Spot account and link project to the platform
module "spotinst-connect-gcp-project" {
source = "spotinst/connect-gcp/spotinst"
project = "demo-labs"
name = "demo-acct_123456"
spotinst_token = "redacted"
spot_organization_id = "demo-org-1234567890"
output "spot_account_id" {
value = module.spotinst-connect-gcp-project.spot_account_id
This terraform module will do the following:
On Apply:
- Create Spot Account within Spot Organization.
- Create GCP Service Account.
- Create GCP Service Account Key.
- Create GCP Project Role.
- Assign Project Role to Service Account.
- Provide GCP Service Account Key to newly created Spot Account.
On Destroy:
- Remove all above resources including deleting the Spot Account.