to skbl/config.cfg
docker-compose up
docker-compose down
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker-compose exec web pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o skbl/translations/messages.pot .
docker-compose exec web pybabel update -i skbl/translations/messages.pot -d skbl/translations
Add translations by modifying messages.po If you don't have permission to modify messages.po run the following command:
docker-compose exec web chmod -R 777 skbl/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
Finally compile:
docker-compose exec web pybabel compile -d skbl/translations
Download and install libevent, memcached, libmemcached. For example:
./configure --prefix=/var/www/sites/
make test
make install
For memcached, run the config as below
./configure --prefix=/var/www/sites/ --with-libevent=/var/www/sites/
To get pylibmc to work with the locally installed libmemcached packages, run:
LIBMEMCACHED=~/libmemcached/ pip install pylibmc
Where ~/libmemcached/
is the path to your locally installed libmemcached.
If this does not work, try:
pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/home/fkskbl/" --global-option="-L/home/fkskbl/" --global-option="-R/home/fkskbl/" pylibmc
Unless you're using Docker, you need to start memcached on the server. If you're using supervisor,
add the following lines to your config (/etc/supervisor.d/fkskbl.conf
-s /path/to/socketfile/memcached.sock
-a 770
Then run
supervisorctl -c /etc/supervisord.d/fkskbl.conf update
supervisorctl -c /etc/supervisord.d/fkskbl.conf status
to see that the process has started successfully.