spring-attic / gs-routing-and-filtering

Routing and Filtering :: Learn how to route and filter requests to a microservice using Netflix Zuul
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== gs-routing-and-filtering is no longer actively maintained by VMware, Inc.

tags: [spring cloud, zuul] projects: [spring-cloud, spring-cloud-netflix]

:spring_version: current :spring_boot_version: 2.3.2.RELEASE :DataSource: :toc: :icons: font :source-highlighter: prettify :project_id: gs-routing-and-filtering

This guide walks you through the process of routing and filtering requests to a microservice application by using the Netflix Zuul edge service library.

== What You Will Build

You will write a simple microservice application and then build a reverse proxy application that uses https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix[Netflix Zuul] to forward requests to the service application. You will also see how to use Zuul to filter requests that are made through the proxy service.

== What You Need

:java_version: 1.8 include::https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spring-guides/getting-started-macros/master/prereq_editor_jdk_buildtools.adoc[]


[[scratch]] == Starting with Spring Initializr

For all Spring applications, you should start with the https://start.spring.io[Spring Initializr]. The Initializr offers a fast way to pull in all the dependencies you need for an application and does a lot of the set up for you.

This guide needs two applications. The first application (the book application) needs only the Spring Web dependency.

The second application (the routing and filtering application) needs the Spring Web and Zuul dependencies.

NOTE: For convenience, we have provided build files (a pom.xml file and a build.gradle file) at the top of the project (one directory above the book and gateway directories) that you can use to build both projects at once. We also added the Maven and Gradle wrappers there.

To initialize the project, create two applications:

. Navigate to https://start.spring.io. This service pulls in all the dependencies you need for an application and does most of the setup for you. . Choose either Gradle or Maven and the language you want to use. This guide assumes that you chose Java. . Click Dependencies and select Spring Web for the book application and Spring Web and Zuul for the routing and filtering application. . Click Generate. . Download the resulting ZIP file, which is an archive of a web application that is configured with your choices.

NOTE: If your IDE has the Spring Initializr integration, you can complete this process from your IDE.

NOTE: You can also fork the project from Github and open it in your IDE or other editor.

[[initial]] == Set up a Microservice

The Book service will be as simple as a Spring application can be. Edit RoutingAndFilteringBookApplicationBookApplication.java so that it matches the following listing (from book/src/main/java/com/example/routingandfilteringbook/RoutingAndFilteringBookApplication.java):

==== [source,java]



The RoutingAndFilteringBookApplicationBookApplication class is now a REST controller. The @RestController annotation marks the class as a controller class and ensures that return values from @RequestMapping methods in this class are automatically and appropriately converted and written directly to the HTTP response.

Speaking of @RequestMapping methods, we have added two: available() and checkedOut(). They handle requests to the /available and /checked-out paths, each of which returns the String name of a book.

Set the application name (book) in src/main/resources/application.properties, as the following listing shows:

==== [source,properties]



Set server.port here, too, so that it does not conflict with your edge service when you get both services up and running locally.

== Create an Edge Service

Spring Cloud Netflix includes an embedded Zuul proxy, which you can enable with the @EnableZuulProxy annotation. This will turn the Gateway application into a reverse proxy that forwards relevant calls to other services -- such as our book application.

Open the Gateway application's RoutingAndFilteringGatewayApplicationGatewayApplication class and add the @EnableZuulProxy annotation, as the following listing (from gateway/src/main/java/com/example/routingandfilteringgateway/RoutingAndFilteringGatewayApplication.java) shows:

==== [source,java]



To forward requests from the Gateway application, you need to tell Zuul the routes that it should watch and the services to which to forward requests that are made to those routes. We specify routes by setting properties under zuul.routes. Each of our microservices can have an entry under zuul.routes.NAME, where NAME is the application name (as stored in the spring.application.name property).

Add the application.properties file to a new directory (src/main/resources) in the Gateway application. It should match the following listing (from gateway/src/main/resources/application.properties):

==== [source,properties]



Spring Cloud Zuul automatically sets the path to the application name. In this sample, set zuul.routes.books.url so that Zuul will proxy requests to /books to this URL.

Notice the second property in the application.properties file, Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul uses Netflix's Ribbon to perform client-side load balancing. By default, Ribbon would use Netflix Eureka for service discovery. For this simple example, you can skip service discovery, so set ribbon.eureka.enabled to false. Since Ribbon now cannot use Eureka to look up services, we must specify a url for the book service.

== Add a Filter

Now you can see how to filter requests through your proxy service. Zuul has four standard filter types:

You are going to write a pre filter. Spring Cloud Netflix picks up, as a filter, any @Bean that extends com.netflix.zuul.ZuulFilter and is available in the application context. The following listing (from gateway/src/main/java/com/example/routingandfilteringgateway/filters/pre/SimpleFilter.java) shows the filter you need:

==== [source,java]



Filter classes implement four methods:

Zuul filters store request and state information in (and share it by means of) the RequestContext. You can use that to get at the HttpServletRequest and then log the HTTP method and URL of the request before it is sent on its way.

The GatewayApplication class is annotated with @SpringBootApplication, which includes (among others) the @Configuration annotation that tells Spring to look in a given class for @Bean definitions. Put the filter in the application class, as shown in the following listing (from gateway/src/main/java/com/example/routingandfilteringgateway/RoutingAndFilteringGatewayApplication.java):

==== [source,java]



== Testing Your Application

Make sure that both applications are running. In a browser, visit one of the book application's endpoints through the Gateway application. If you have used the configuration shown in this guide, you can access the book application directly at localhost:8090/available and through the Gateway service at localhost:8080/books/available.

Visit one of the Book service endpoints (localhost:8080/books/available or localhost:8080/books/checked-out) and you should see your request's method logged by the Gateway application before it is handed on to the Book application, as the following sample logging output shows:

==== [source,text]

2019-10-02 10:58:34.694 INFO 11608 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] c.e.r.filters.pre.SimpleFilter : GET request to http://localhost:8080/books/available


== Summary

Congratulations! You have used Spring to develop an edge service application that can proxy and filter requests for your microservices.

== See Also

The following guides may also be helpful:
