spring-attic / spring-hadoop-samples

Spring Hadoop Samples
Apache License 2.0
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== spring-hadoop-samples is no longer actively maintained by VMware, Inc.

== Sample Applications for Spring for Apache Hadoop

This repository contains several sample applications that show how you can use Spring for Apache Hadoop.

NOTE: These samples are built using version 2.2.0.RELEASE of Spring for Apache Hadoop project. For examples built against older versions check out the Git "tag" that corresponds to your desired version.

=== Overview of Spring for Apache Hadoop

Hadoop has a poor out of the box programming model. Writing applications for Hadoop generally turn into a collection of scripts calling Hadoop command line applications. Spring for Apache Hadoop provides a consistent programming model and declarative configuration model for developing Hadoop applications.

Together with Spring Integration and Spring Batch, Spring for Apache Hadoop can be used to address a wide range of use cases

=== Features

== Additional Resources

Many of the samples were taken from the O'Reilly book link:http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920024767.do[Spring Data]. Using the book as a companion to the samples is quite helpful to understanding the samples and the full feature set of what can be done using Spring technologies and Hadoop.

The main web site for link:http://www.springsource.org/spring-data/hadoop[Spring for Apache Hadoop]