spring-projects / spring-data-neo4j

Provide support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Neo4j. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data access.
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List of Exception Management Anti-Patterns and Code Smells #195

Closed ashishsureka closed 9 years ago

ashishsureka commented 10 years ago

Code smells are defined as symptom s in the program source code which are usually not bugs or technically incorrect but indicates a possible deeper problem. Anti-patterns are counterparts of design patterns and are defined as mistakes during software development that produces negative consequences and is ineffective or counter-productive. During program execution, error events can occur that disrupts the normal flow of the program. Programming languages provide exception handling mechanism to developers for handling errors and exception events.

I mined the source-code for automatically detecting 10 exception handling anti-patterns (https://today.java.net/article/2006/04/04/exception-handling-antipatterns). In this issue report, I list the exception handling anti-patterns and code-smells that I found in the source code. My experimental results demonstrate presence of various exception handling anti-patterns and throw light on their intensity. I believe my tool for automatic detection of anti-patterns in source code and the attached results can be useful to programmers by helping them correct mistakes and write effective code.

1 Mining Source Code for Automatically Discovering Exception Management Anti-Patterns and Code Smell

2 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\ConfigurationCheck.java

3 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new BeanCreationException("transactionManager not correctly configured, please refer to the manual, setup section",e); }

4 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

5 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\ConfigurationCheck.java

6 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) { tx.failure(); } throw new BeanCreationException("transactionManager not correctly configured, please refer to the manual, setup section",e); }

7 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

8 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\ConfigurationCheck.java

9 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { }

10 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

11 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

12 METHOD NAME : JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean(GraphDatabaseService gds) throws Exception

13 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

14 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

15 METHOD NAME : getObject() throws Exception

16 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

17 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

18 METHOD NAME : create(GraphDatabaseService gds) throws Exception

19 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

20 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

21 METHOD NAME : createJtaTransactionManagerForOnePointSeven(GraphDatabaseService gds) throws Exception

22 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

23 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

24 METHOD NAME : createJtaTransactionManager(GraphDatabaseService gds) throws Exception

25 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

26 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

27 METHOD NAME : createTransactionManagerForOnePointSeven(GraphDatabaseService gds) throws Exception

28 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

29 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

30 METHOD NAME : createUserTransactionForOnePointSeven(GraphDatabaseService gds) throws Exception

31 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

32 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

33 METHOD NAME : createTransactionManagerForOnePointEight(GraphDatabaseService gds) throws Exception

34 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

35 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

36 METHOD NAME : createUserTransactionForOnePointEight(GraphDatabaseService gds) throws Exception

37 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

38 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\JtaTransactionManagerFactoryBean.java

39 METHOD NAME : createDynamically(Class requiredClass,Class<?> argumentClass,Object gds) throws Exception

40 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

41 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

42 METHOD NAME : mappingInfrastructure() throws Exception

43 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

44 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

45 METHOD NAME : isNewStrategyFactory() throws Exception

46 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

47 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

48 METHOD NAME : neo4jTemplate() throws Exception

49 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

50 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

51 METHOD NAME : relationshipTypeRepresentationStrategy() throws Exception

52 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

53 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

54 METHOD NAME : nodeTypeRepresentationStrategy() throws Exception

55 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

56 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

57 METHOD NAME : typeRepresentationStrategyFactory() throws Exception

58 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

59 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

60 METHOD NAME : entityStateHandler() throws Exception

61 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

62 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

63 METHOD NAME : nodeTypeMapper() throws Exception

64 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

65 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

66 METHOD NAME : relationshipTypeMapper() throws Exception

67 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

68 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

69 METHOD NAME : entityFetchHandler() throws Exception

70 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

71 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

72 METHOD NAME : nodeStateTransmitter() throws Exception

73 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

74 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

75 METHOD NAME : neo4jConversionService() throws Exception

76 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

77 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

78 METHOD NAME : graphRelationshipInstantiator() throws Exception

79 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

80 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

81 METHOD NAME : graphEntityInstantiator() throws Exception

82 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

83 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

84 METHOD NAME : neo4jMappingContext() throws Exception

85 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

86 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

87 METHOD NAME : relationshipEntityStateFactory() throws Exception

88 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

89 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

90 METHOD NAME : nodeEntityStateFactory() throws Exception

91 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

92 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

93 METHOD NAME : nodeDelegatingFieldAccessorFactory() throws Exception

94 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

95 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

96 METHOD NAME : relationshipDelegatingFieldAccessorFactory() throws Exception

97 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

98 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\config\Neo4jConfiguration.java

99 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\fieldaccess\Neo4jConversionServiceFactoryBean.java

100 METHOD NAME : getObject() throws Exception

101 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

102 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\fieldaccess\RelationshipHelper.java

103 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(format("Could not read type '%s' - type does not exist",actualTargetType),e); }

104 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

105 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\fieldaccess\TraversalFieldAccessorFactory.java

106 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating TraversalDescription from " + property,e); }

107 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

108 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\AbstractGraphRepository.java

109 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (DataRetrievalFailureException e) { return null; }

110 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

111 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\LegacyIndexSearcher.java

112 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (NotFoundException e) { return null; }

113 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

114 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\LegacyIndexSearcher.java

115 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (NotFoundException e) { return null; }

116 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

117 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\LegacyIndexSearcher.java

118 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (NotFoundException e) { return null; }

119 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

120 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\GraphRepositoryQuery.java

121 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

122 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

123 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\GraphDatabaseFactoryBean.java

124 METHOD NAME : databaseFor(String url,String username,String password) throws Exception

125 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

126 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\GraphDatabaseFactoryBean.java

127 METHOD NAME : createRestGraphDatabase(String url,String username,String password) throws Exception

128 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

129 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\GraphDatabaseFactoryBean.java

130 METHOD NAME : getObject() throws Exception

131 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

132 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\GraphDatabaseServiceFactoryBean.java

133 METHOD NAME : getObject() throws Exception

134 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

135 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator.java

136 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); }

137 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

138 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator.java

139 METHOD NAME : create(STATE n,Class c) throws Exception

140 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

141 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator.java

142 METHOD NAME : create(STATE state,Class c) throws Exception

143 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

144 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator.java

145 METHOD NAME : create(STATE state,Class c) throws Exception

146 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

147 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator.java

148 METHOD NAME : create(STATE n,Class c) throws Exception

149 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

150 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator.java

151 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { return null; }

152 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

153 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\Neo4jEntityConverterImpl.java

154 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MappingException("Error retrieving property " + property.getName() + " from "+ wrapper.getBean(),e); }

155 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

156 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\SourceStateTransmitter.java

157 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MappingException("Error retrieving property " + property.getName() + " from "+ wrapper.getBean(),e); }

158 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

159 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\SourceStateTransmitter.java

160 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MappingException("Setting property " + property.getName() + " to "+ value+ " on "+ wrapper.getBean(),e); }

161 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

162 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\TRSTypeAliasAccessor.java

163 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { return null; }

164 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

165 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\MappingInfrastructureFactoryBean.java

166 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("error initializing " + getClass().getName(),e); }

167 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

168 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\Neo4jExceptionTranslator.java

169 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { if (iae.getCause() != null && iae.getCause() instanceof InvalidEntityTypeException) { throw (InvalidEntityTypeException)iae.getCause(); } throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException(iae.getMessage(),iae); }

170 ANTI-PATTERN RRGC : relying on the result of getCause makes the code fragile, use org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(Throwable throwable)

171 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\Neo4jTemplate.java

172 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

173 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

174 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\Neo4jTemplate.java

175 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw translateExceptionIfPossible(e); }

176 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

177 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\Neo4jTemplate.java

178 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

179 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

180 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\node\Neo4jHelper.java

181 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return "(" + id + ") "+ e.getMessage(); }

182 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

183 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\node\Neo4jHelper.java

184 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Cannot delete node index " + ix + " "+ e.getMessage()); }

185 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

186 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\node\Neo4jHelper.java

187 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Cannot delete relationship index " + ix + " "+ e.getMessage()); }

188 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

189 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\node\NodeEntityStateFactory.java

190 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (MappingException e) { log.warn("Not able to resolve persistent entity mapping information for " + entityType,e); return null; }

191ANTI-PATTERN LGRN : Log and return null is wrong, instead of returning null, throw the exception, and let the caller deal with it

192 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\CypherQueryEngineImpl.java

193 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Error executing statement " + statement,e); }

194 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

195 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\CypherQueryEngineImpl.java

196 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Error executing statement " + statement,e); }

197 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

198 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\typerepresentation\EntityTypeCache.java

199 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (NotFoundException e) { return null; }

200 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

201 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\typerepresentation\EntityTypeCache.java

202 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; }

203 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

204 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\GraphCallback.java

205 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\persistence\StateBackedCreator.java

206 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\graphproperty\GraphPropertyAnnotationTests.java

207 METHOD NAME : shouldSaveANodeWithRenamedPropertyNames() throws Exception

208 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

209 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\BiDirectionalMappingTests.java

210 METHOD NAME : testLoadBidirectional() throws Exception

211 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

212 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\BiDirectionalRelatedToViaMappingTests.java

213 METHOD NAME : testLoadBidirectionalRelationship() throws Exception

214 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

215 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\BiDirectionalRelatedToViaWithCollectionFetchMappingTests.java

216 METHOD NAME : testLoadBidirectionalRelationship() throws Exception

217 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

218 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\BiDirectionalRelatedToViaWithSingleFetchMappingTests.java

219 METHOD NAME : testLoadBidirectionalRelationship() throws Exception

220 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

221 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

222 METHOD NAME : shouldMapRelationshipEvenWithoutAnnotation() throws Exception

223 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

224 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

225 METHOD NAME : shouldRelateNodesUsingFieldNameAsRelationshipType() throws Exception

226 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

227 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

228 METHOD NAME : shouldRelateNodesUsingAnnotationProvidedRelationshipType() throws Exception

229 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

230 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

231 METHOD NAME : shouldNotDifferentiateByEndNodeClassWhenTargetTypeNotEnforced() throws Exception

232 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

233 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

234 METHOD NAME : shouldDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedBetweenFields() throws Exception

235 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

236 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

237 METHOD NAME : shouldDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedBetweenCollections() throws Exception

238 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

239 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

240 METHOD NAME : shouldDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedBetweenFieldAndCollection() throws Exception

241 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

242 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

243 METHOD NAME : shouldNotDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedButEndNodeTypesIdenticalBetweenFields() throws Exception

244 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

245 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

246 METHOD NAME : shouldNotDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedButEndNodeTypesIdenticalBetweenCollections() throws Exception

247 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

248 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

249 METHOD NAME : shouldNotDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedButEndNodeTypesIdenticalBetweenFieldAndCollection() throws Exception

250 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

251 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

252 METHOD NAME : shouldDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedOnFieldsSharingSuperType() throws Exception

253 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

254 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

255 METHOD NAME : shouldDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedOnCollectionsSharingSuperType() throws Exception

256 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

257 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

258 METHOD NAME : shouldDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedOnFieldAndCollectionSharingSuperType() throws Exception

259 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

260 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

261 METHOD NAME : shouldNotDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedButEndNodeTypeSubstitutableBetweenFields() throws Exception

262 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

263 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

264 METHOD NAME : shouldDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedAndEndNodeTypeForFieldInheritsFromEndNodeTypeForCollection() throws Exception

265 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

266 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedto\RelatedToTests.java

267 METHOD NAME : shouldNotDifferentiateClashingRelationshipTypesWhenTargetTypeEnforcedButEndNodeTypeForCollectionInheritsFromEndNodeTypeForField() throws Exception

268 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

269 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedtovia\RelatedToViaTests.java

270 METHOD NAME : shouldMapRelationshipAsFirstClassCitizen() throws Exception

271 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

272 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedtovia\RelatedToViaTests.java

273 METHOD NAME : shouldGivePrecedenceToAnnotationProvidedRelationshipTypeOverDefault() throws Exception

274 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

275 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedtovia\RelatedToViaTests.java

276 METHOD NAME : shouldGivePrecedenceToAnnotationProvidedRelationshipTypeOverDefaultForCollections() throws Exception

277 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

278 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedtovia\RelatedToViaTests.java

279 METHOD NAME : shouldGivePrecedenceToDynamicRelationshipTypeOverAnnotationProvidedRelationshipType() throws Exception

280 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

281 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedtovia\RelatedToViaTests.java

282 METHOD NAME : shouldGivePrecedenceToDynamicRelationshipTypeOverAnnotationProvidedRelationshipTypeForCollections() throws Exception

283 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

284 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\annotation\relatedtovia\RelatedToViaTests.java

285 METHOD NAME : shouldValidateEndNode() throws Exception

286 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

287 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\ContainerConverterTest.java

288 METHOD NAME : testSliceFirst() throws Exception

289 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

290 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\ContainerConverterTest.java

291 METHOD NAME : testSliceLast() throws Exception

292 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

293 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\ContainerConverterTest.java

294 METHOD NAME : testSliceAll() throws Exception

295 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

296 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryMapResultConverterTests.java

297 METHOD NAME : init() throws Exception

298 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

299 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryMapResultConverterTests.java

300 METHOD NAME : shouldBeAbleToGetAStringFromAResultMap() throws Exception

301 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

302 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryMapResultConverterTests.java

303 METHOD NAME : shouldBeAbleToHandleAnIterableOfString() throws Exception

304 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

305 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryMapResultConverterTests.java

306 METHOD NAME : shouldHandleANodeBackedEntity() throws Exception

307 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

308 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryMapResultConverterTests.java

309 METHOD NAME : shouldThrowNiceException() throws Exception

310 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

311 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryMapResultConverterTests.java

312 METHOD NAME : testShouldBeAbleToCompareTwoResults() throws Exception

313 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

314 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryMapResultConverterTests.java

315 METHOD NAME : testPutQueryResultsInSet() throws Exception

316 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

317 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryResultBuilderTests.java

318 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

319 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

320 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryResultBuilderTests.java

321 METHOD NAME : testToWithConverter() throws Exception

322 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

323 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryResultBuilderTests.java

324 METHOD NAME : testSingle() throws Exception

325 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

326 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryResultBuilderTests.java

327 METHOD NAME : testSingleOrNull() throws Exception

328 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

329 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryResultBuilderTests.java

330 METHOD NAME : testTo() throws Exception

331 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

332 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryResultBuilderTests.java

333 METHOD NAME : testAs() throws Exception

334 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

335 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryResultBuilderTests.java

336 METHOD NAME : testHandle() throws Exception

337 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

338 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\conversion\QueryResultBuilderTests.java

339 METHOD NAME : testIterator() throws Exception

340 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

341 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\equality\EqualityTests.java

342 METHOD NAME : entitiesThatDoNotImplementEqualsAndHashCodeShouldNotBeConsistentAfterSaving() throws Exception

343 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

344 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\equality\EqualityTests.java

345 METHOD NAME : entitiesThatImplementEqualsAndHashCodeShouldBeConsistentAfterSaving() throws Exception

346 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

347 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\equality\EqualityTests.java

348 METHOD NAME : entitiesThatCacheHashCodeShouldBeConsistentAfterSaving() throws Exception

349 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

350 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\fieldaccess\GenericPropertyFieldAccessorTests.java

351 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { boolean isExpectedSpring3Exception=e instanceof ConverterNotFoundException; boolean isExpectedSpring4Exception=e instanceof ConversionFailedException; assertTrue(isExpectedSpring3Exception || isExpectedSpring4Exception); return; }

352 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

353 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\fieldaccess\GenericPropertyFieldAccessorTests.java

354 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { boolean isExpectedSpring4Exception=e instanceof ConversionFailedException; assertTrue(isExpectedSpring4Exception); return; }

355 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

356 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\fieldaccess\PropertyTypeConversionTests.java

357 METHOD NAME : neo4jConversionService() throws Exception

358 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

359 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\fieldaccess\PropertyTypeConversionTests.java

360 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertCustomTypeUsingDefaultPropertyType() throws Exception

361 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

362 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\fieldaccess\PropertyTypeConversionTests.java

363 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertCustomTypeUsingParameterisedPropertyType() throws Exception

364 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

365 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\fieldaccess\PropertyTypeConversionTests.java

366 METHOD NAME : shouldNotConvertCustomTypeWhenNoConverterExists() throws Exception

367 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

368 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\inheritance\InheritanceTests.java

369 METHOD NAME : testCreatedProjectWithInheritance() throws Exception

370 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

371 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\invalid\model\InvalidMappingTests.java

372 METHOD NAME : testFailInvalidRelatedTo() throws Exception

373 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

374 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\invalid\model\InvalidMappingTests.java

375 METHOD NAME : testFailInvalidRelatedToVia() throws Exception

376 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

377 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\AfterDeleteEventTests.java

378 METHOD NAME : shouldFireAfterEntityIsDeleted() throws Exception

379 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

380 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\AfterSaveEventTests.java

381 METHOD NAME : shouldFireAfterEntityIsSaved() throws Exception

382 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

383 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\BeforeDeleteEventTests.java

384 METHOD NAME : shouldFireBeforeEntityIsDeleted() throws Exception

385 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

386 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\BeforeSaveEventTests.java

387 METHOD NAME : shouldFireBeforeEntityIsSaved() throws Exception

388 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

389 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\DeleteEventTests.java

390 METHOD NAME : shouldFireEventOnNodeDeletion() throws Exception

391 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

392 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\SaveEventTests.java

393 METHOD NAME : shouldFireEventForNodeEntity() throws Exception

394 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

395 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\SaveEventTests.java

396 METHOD NAME : shouldFireEventForRelationshipEntity() throws Exception

397 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

398 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\SaveEventTests.java

399 METHOD NAME : shouldFireEventForNodeEntities() throws Exception

400 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

401 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\SaveEventTests.java

402 METHOD NAME : shouldFireEventForRelationshipEntities() throws Exception

403 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

404 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\SaveEventTests.java

405 METHOD NAME : shouldFireEventForNodeEntityWhenItIsSavedIndirectly() throws Exception

406 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

407 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\SaveEventTests.java

408 METHOD NAME : shouldFireEventForRelationshipEntityWhenItIsSavedIndirectly() throws Exception

409 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

410 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\SaveEventTests.java

411 METHOD NAME : shouldFireEventForUpdatedEntities() throws Exception

412 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

413 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\SaveEventTests.java

414 METHOD NAME : shouldFireEventEvenIfEntityHasNotBeenUpdated() throws Exception

415 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

416 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\lifecycle\SaveEventTests.java

417 METHOD NAME : shouldNotFireEventForUpdatedRelatedEntities() throws Exception

418 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

419 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\context\Neo4jMappingContextTests.java

420 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

421 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

422 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\converter\Neo4jEntityConverterTests.java

423 METHOD NAME : testLoadFriendShipsFromPersons() throws Exception

424 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

425 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\Neo4jPersistentTestBase.java

426 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

427 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

428 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\Neo4jPersistentTestBase.java

429 METHOD NAME : createInfrastructure(Neo4jMappingContext mappingContext) throws Exception

430 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

431 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\Neo4jPersistentTestBase.java

432 METHOD NAME : tearDown() throws Exception

433 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

434 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\persist\Neo4jEntityPersisterTests.java

435 METHOD NAME : testCreateEntityFromStoredType() throws Exception

436 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

437 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\persist\Neo4jEntityPersisterTests.java

438 METHOD NAME : testCreateEntityFromState() throws Exception

439 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

440 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\persist\Neo4jEntityPersisterTests.java

441 METHOD NAME : testProjectTo() throws Exception

442 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

443 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\persist\Neo4jEntityPersisterTests.java

444 METHOD NAME : testGetPersistentState() throws Exception

445 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

446 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\persist\Neo4jEntityPersisterTests.java

447 METHOD NAME : testPersist() throws Exception

448 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

449 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\persist\Neo4jEntityPersisterTests.java

450 METHOD NAME : testIsManaged() throws Exception

451 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

452 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\persist\Neo4jEntityPersisterTests.java

453 METHOD NAME : testIsNodeEntity() throws Exception

454 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

455 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\persist\Neo4jEntityPersisterTests.java

456 METHOD NAME : testIsRelationshipEntity() throws Exception

457 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

458 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\mapping\persist\Neo4jPersistentEntityTests.java

459 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

460 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

461 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\model\PersonCreator.java

462 METHOD NAME : create(Node n,Class c) throws Exception

463 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

464 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\cdi\CdiExtensionIntegrationTests.java

465 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

466 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

467 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\cdi\CdiExtensionIntegrationTests.java

468 METHOD NAME : tearDown() throws Exception

469 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

470 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\cdi\Neo4jCdiProducer.java

471 METHOD NAME : createGraphDatabase() throws Exception

472 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

473 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\CypherDslRepositoryTests.java

474 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

475 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

476 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\CypherDslRepositoryTests.java

477 METHOD NAME : testQueryPaged() throws Exception

478 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

479 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\CypherDslRepositoryTests.java

480 METHOD NAME : testQueryPagedWithCount() throws Exception

481 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

482 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\CypherDslRepositoryTests.java

483 METHOD NAME : testQuery() throws Exception

484 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

485 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\CypherDslRepositoryTests.java

486 METHOD NAME : testQueryDSL() throws Exception

487 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

488 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

489 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

490 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

491 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

492 METHOD NAME : tearDown() throws Exception

493 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

494 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

495 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingSingleProperty() throws Exception

496 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

497 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

498 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingMultipleProperties() throws Exception

499 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

500 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

501 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingEntity() throws Exception

502 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

503 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

504 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingEntityId() throws Exception

505 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

506 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

507 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingOwnGraphId() throws Exception

508 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

509 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

510 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingMultipleEntities() throws Exception

511 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

512 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

513 METHOD NAME : shouldFindByRelationshipPropertyEntities() throws Exception

514 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

515 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

516 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingEntityWithIncomingRelationship() throws Exception

517 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

518 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

519 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingEntityAndProperty() throws Exception

520 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

521 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

522 METHOD NAME : shouldCountCorrectlyUsingProperty() throws Exception

523 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

524 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

525 METHOD NAME : shouldCountCorrectlyUsingEntityAndProperty() throws Exception

526 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

527 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

528 METHOD NAME : shouldCountCorrectlyUsingEntity() throws Exception

529 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

530 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

531 METHOD NAME : shouldCountCorrectlyUsingPropertyTraversal() throws Exception

532 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

533 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

534 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingEntityAndPropertyTraversal() throws Exception

535 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

536 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\DerivedFinderTests.java

537 METHOD NAME : shouldFindUsingIndexedNumericValue() throws Exception

538 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

539 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GeoQueriesTest.java

540 METHOD NAME : testBoxToPolygon() throws Exception

541 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

542 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GeoQueriesTest.java

543 METHOD NAME : testCircleToPolygon() throws Exception

544 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

545 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GeoQueriesTest.java

546 METHOD NAME : testPointToWkt() throws Exception

547 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

548 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GeoQueriesTest.java

549 METHOD NAME : testBoxToWkt() throws Exception

550 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

551 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GeoQueriesTest.java

552 METHOD NAME : textPolygonFromWkt() throws Exception

553 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

554 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GeoQueriesTest.java

555 METHOD NAME : testWktToPoint() throws Exception

556 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

557 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GraphRepositoryTests.java

558 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

559 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

560 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GraphRepositoryTests.java

561 METHOD NAME : shouldBeAbleToTurnQueryResultsToAMapResultInterface() throws Exception

562 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

563 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GraphRepositoryTests.java

564 METHOD NAME : testFindMultiThreaded() throws Exception

565 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

566 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\GraphRepositoryTests.java

567 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); }

568 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

569 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\NoIndexDerivedFinderTests.java

570 METHOD NAME : testWithSeparateTransactions() throws Exception

571 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

572 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractCypherQueryBuilderTestBase.java

573 METHOD NAME : shouldFindByNodeEntity() throws Exception

574 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

575 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

576 METHOD NAME : testCypherQueryBuilderWithTwoIndexedParams() throws Exception

577 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

578 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

579 METHOD NAME : testQueryWithGraphId() throws Exception

580 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

581 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

582 METHOD NAME : testQueryWithEntityGraphId() throws Exception

583 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

584 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

585 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithTwoParams() throws Exception

586 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

587 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

588 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParam() throws Exception

589 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

590 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

591 METHOD NAME : testSchemaIndexQueryWithOneParam() throws Exception

592 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

593 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

594 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamFullText() throws Exception

595 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

596 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

597 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamFullTextAndOneParam() throws Exception

598 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

599 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

600 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamAndOneParamFullText() throws Exception

601 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

602 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

603 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneNonIndexedParam() throws Exception

604 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

605 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

606 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneNonIndexedParamAndOneIndexedParam() throws Exception

607 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

608 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

609 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithLikeIndexedParam() throws Exception

610 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

611 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

612 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithLikeIndexedParamWithSpaces() throws Exception

613 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

614 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

615 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithContainsIndexedParam() throws Exception

616 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

617 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

618 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithStartsWithIndexedParam() throws Exception

619 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

620 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

621 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithEndsWithIndexedParam() throws Exception

622 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

623 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

624 METHOD NAME : testFailIndexQueryWithStartsWithIndexedParamWithSpaces() throws Exception

625 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

626 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

627 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParam() throws Exception

628 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

629 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

630 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamStartsWith() throws Exception

631 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

632 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

633 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamEndsWith() throws Exception

634 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

635 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

636 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamContains() throws Exception

637 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

638 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

639 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamLike() throws Exception

640 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

641 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

642 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamNotLike() throws Exception

643 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

644 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

645 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamRegexp() throws Exception

646 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

647 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

648 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleBooleanIsTrue() throws Exception

649 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

650 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

651 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleBooleanIsFalse() throws Exception

652 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

653 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

654 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringExists() throws Exception

655 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

656 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

657 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringInCollection() throws Exception

658 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

659 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

660 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringInCollectionOfEnums() throws Exception

661 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

662 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

663 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringNotInCollection() throws Exception

664 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

665 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

666 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleDateBefore() throws Exception

667 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

668 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

669 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleDateAfter() throws Exception

670 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

671 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

672 METHOD NAME : testFindByNumericIndexedField() throws Exception

673 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

674 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\AbstractDerivedFinderMethodTestBase.java

675 METHOD NAME : testMultipleIndexedFields() throws Exception

676 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

677 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByArrayOfSimpleTypeTests.java

678 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportStringArraysAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

679 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

680 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByArrayOfSimpleTypeTests.java

681 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportBooleanArrayAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

682 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

683 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByArrayOfSimpleTypeTests.java

684 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportByteArrayAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

685 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

686 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByArrayOfSimpleTypeTests.java

687 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportShortArrayAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

688 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

689 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByArrayOfSimpleTypeTests.java

690 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportIntArrayAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

691 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

692 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByArrayOfSimpleTypeTests.java

693 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportLongArrayAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

694 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

695 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByArrayOfSimpleTypeTests.java

696 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportFloatArrayAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

697 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

698 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByArrayOfSimpleTypeTests.java

699 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportDoubleArrayAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

700 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

701 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByArrayOfSimpleTypeTests.java

702 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportCharArrayAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

703 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

704 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByDateTests.java

705 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportSingleDateAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

706 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

707 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByDateTests.java

708 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportArrayOfDateAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

709 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

710 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByDateTests.java

711 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportArrayOfArrayOfDateAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

712 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

713 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByEnumTests.java

714 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportSingleEnumsAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

715 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

716 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByEnumTests.java

717 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportArrayOfEnumAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

718 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

719 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedByEnumTests.java

720 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportArrayOfArrayOfEnumAsParameterForIn() throws Exception

721 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

722 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\InParameterisedBySimpleTypeTests.java

723 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportSimpleTypesAsParametersForIn() throws Exception

724 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

725 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\ParameterisedInTests.java

726 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportParametersAsIterable() throws Exception

727 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

728 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\ParameterisedInTests.java

729 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportParametersAsArray() throws Exception

730 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

731 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\cypher\ParameterisedInTests.java

732 METHOD NAME : shouldSupportParametersAsVarargs() throws Exception

733 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

734 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\CypherQueryBuilderForIndexBasedTRSUnitTests.java

735 METHOD NAME : shouldFindByNodeEntity() throws Exception

736 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

737 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\CypherQueryBuilderForLabelBasedTRSUnitTests.java

738 METHOD NAME : shouldFindByNodeEntity() throws Exception

739 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

740 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

741 METHOD NAME : testQueryWithEntityGraphId() throws Exception

742 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

743 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

744 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithTwoParams() throws Exception

745 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

746 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

747 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParam() throws Exception

748 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

749 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

750 METHOD NAME : testSchemaIndexQueryWithOneParam() throws Exception

751 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

752 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

753 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamFullText() throws Exception

754 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

755 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

756 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamFullTextAndOneParam() throws Exception

757 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

758 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

759 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamAndOneParamFullText() throws Exception

760 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

761 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

762 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneNonIndexedParam() throws Exception

763 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

764 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

765 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneNonIndexedParamAndOneIndexedParam() throws Exception

766 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

767 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

768 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithLikeIndexedParam() throws Exception

769 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

770 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

771 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithLikeIndexedParamWithSpaces() throws Exception

772 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

773 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

774 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithContainsIndexedParam() throws Exception

775 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

776 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

777 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithStartsWithIndexedParam() throws Exception

778 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

779 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

780 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithEndsWithIndexedParam() throws Exception

781 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

782 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

783 METHOD NAME : testFailIndexQueryWithStartsWithIndexedParamWithSpaces() throws Exception

784 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

785 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

786 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParam() throws Exception

787 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

788 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

789 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamStartsWith() throws Exception

790 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

791 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

792 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamEndsWith() throws Exception

793 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

794 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

795 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamContains() throws Exception

796 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

797 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

798 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamLike() throws Exception

799 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

800 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

801 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamNotLike() throws Exception

802 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

803 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

804 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamRegexp() throws Exception

805 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

806 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

807 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleBooleanIsTrue() throws Exception

808 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

809 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

810 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleBooleanIsFalse() throws Exception

811 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

812 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

813 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringExists() throws Exception

814 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

815 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

816 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringInCollection() throws Exception

817 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

818 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

819 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringInCollectionOfEnums() throws Exception

820 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

821 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

822 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringNotInCollection() throws Exception

823 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

824 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

825 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleDateBefore() throws Exception

826 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

827 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

828 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleDateAfter() throws Exception

829 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

830 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

831 METHOD NAME : testFindByNumericIndexedField() throws Exception

832 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

833 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSTests.java

834 METHOD NAME : testMultipleIndexedFields() throws Exception

835 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

836 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

837 METHOD NAME : testQueryWithEntityGraphId() throws Exception

838 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

839 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

840 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithTwoParams() throws Exception

841 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

842 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

843 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParam() throws Exception

844 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

845 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

846 METHOD NAME : testSchemaIndexQueryWithOneParam() throws Exception

847 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

848 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

849 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamFullText() throws Exception

850 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

851 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

852 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamFullTextAndOneParam() throws Exception

853 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

854 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

855 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamAndOneParamFullText() throws Exception

856 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

857 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

858 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneNonIndexedParam() throws Exception

859 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

860 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

861 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneNonIndexedParamAndOneIndexedParam() throws Exception

862 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

863 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

864 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithLikeIndexedParam() throws Exception

865 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

866 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

867 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithLikeIndexedParamWithSpaces() throws Exception

868 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

869 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

870 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithContainsIndexedParam() throws Exception

871 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

872 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

873 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithStartsWithIndexedParam() throws Exception

874 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

875 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

876 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithEndsWithIndexedParam() throws Exception

877 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

878 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

879 METHOD NAME : testFailIndexQueryWithStartsWithIndexedParamWithSpaces() throws Exception

880 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

881 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

882 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParam() throws Exception

883 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

884 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

885 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamStartsWith() throws Exception

886 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

887 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

888 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamEndsWith() throws Exception

889 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

890 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

891 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamContains() throws Exception

892 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

893 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

894 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamLike() throws Exception

895 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

896 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

897 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamNotLike() throws Exception

898 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

899 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

900 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamRegexp() throws Exception

901 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

902 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

903 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleBooleanIsTrue() throws Exception

904 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

905 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

906 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleBooleanIsFalse() throws Exception

907 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

908 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

909 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringExists() throws Exception

910 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

911 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

912 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringInCollection() throws Exception

913 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

914 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

915 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringInCollectionOfEnums() throws Exception

916 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

917 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

918 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringNotInCollection() throws Exception

919 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

920 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

921 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleDateBefore() throws Exception

922 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

923 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

924 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleDateAfter() throws Exception

925 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

926 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

927 METHOD NAME : testFindByNumericIndexedField() throws Exception

928 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

929 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForIndexedBasedTRSViaJavaConfigTests.java

930 METHOD NAME : testMultipleIndexedFields() throws Exception

931 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

932 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

933 METHOD NAME : testQueryWithEntityGraphId() throws Exception

934 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

935 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

936 METHOD NAME : testQueryWithGraphId() throws Exception

937 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

938 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

939 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithTwoParams() throws Exception

940 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

941 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

942 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParam() throws Exception

943 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

944 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

945 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamFullText() throws Exception

946 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

947 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

948 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamFullTextAndOneParam() throws Exception

949 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

950 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

951 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneParamAndOneParamFullText() throws Exception

952 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

953 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

954 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneNonIndexedParam() throws Exception

955 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

956 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

957 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithOneNonIndexedParamAndOneIndexedParam() throws Exception

958 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

959 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

960 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithLikeIndexedParam() throws Exception

961 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

962 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

963 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithLikeIndexedParamWithSpaces() throws Exception

964 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

965 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

966 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithContainsIndexedParam() throws Exception

967 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

968 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

969 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithStartsWithIndexedParam() throws Exception

970 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

971 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

972 METHOD NAME : testIndexQueryWithEndsWithIndexedParam() throws Exception

973 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

974 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

975 METHOD NAME : testFailIndexQueryWithStartsWithIndexedParamWithSpaces() throws Exception

976 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

977 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

978 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParam() throws Exception

979 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

980 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

981 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamStartsWith() throws Exception

982 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

983 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

984 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamEndsWith() throws Exception

985 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

986 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

987 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamContains() throws Exception

988 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

989 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

990 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamLike() throws Exception

991 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

992 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

993 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamNotLike() throws Exception

994 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

995 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

996 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringParamRegexp() throws Exception

997 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

998 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

999 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleBooleanIsTrue() throws Exception

1000 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1001 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

1002 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleBooleanIsFalse() throws Exception

1003 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1004 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

1005 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringExists() throws Exception

1006 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1007 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

1008 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringInCollection() throws Exception

1009 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1010 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

1011 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringInCollectionOfEnums() throws Exception

1012 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1013 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

1014 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleStringNotInCollection() throws Exception

1015 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1016 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

1017 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleDateBefore() throws Exception

1018 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1019 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

1020 METHOD NAME : testFindBySimpleDateAfter() throws Exception

1021 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1022 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

1023 METHOD NAME : testFindByNumericIndexedField() throws Exception

1024 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1025 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\DerivedFinderMethodForLabelBasedTRSTests.java

1026 METHOD NAME : testSchemaIndexQueryWithOneParam() throws Exception

1027 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1028 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\query\StartClauseFactoryTest.java

1029 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1030 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1031 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\ReadWriteTests.java

1032 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); delete=true; throw new RuntimeException(e); }

1033 ANTI-PATTERN PSTE : printing stack-trace and throwing Exception, choose one otherwise it results in multiple log messages (multiple-entries, duplication)

1034 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\ReadWriteTests.java

1035 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); delete=true; throw new RuntimeException(e); }

1036 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1037 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\ReadWriteTests.java

1038 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (DataRetrievalFailureException nfe) { return null; }

1039 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

1040 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1041 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1042 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1043 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1044 METHOD NAME : shouldBeAbleToSerializeAndDeserializeBasicEntityGraph() throws Exception

1045 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1046 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1047 METHOD NAME : primitiveFieldShouldBeSerializedInOriginalForm() throws Exception

1048 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1049 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1050 METHOD NAME : primitiveFieldUpdatedOnDeserializedEntityShouldBeAbleToBeSavedBackToRepo() throws Exception

1051 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1052 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1053 METHOD NAME : managedFieldAkaRelationshipsShouldBeSerializedAsAHashSet() throws Exception

1054 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1055 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1056 METHOD NAME : managedFieldAkaRelationshipUpdatedOnDeserializedEntityShouldBeAbleToBeSavedBackToRepo() throws Exception

1057 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1058 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1059 METHOD NAME : dynamicPropertiesFieldShouldBeSerializedAsAPrefixedDynamicProperties() throws Exception

1060 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1061 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1062 METHOD NAME : dynamicPropertiesFieldUpdatedOnDeserializedEntityShouldBeAbleToBeSavedBackToRepo() throws Exception

1063 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1064 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1065 METHOD NAME : assertPreSerializationSetupThenGetDeserializedPerson() throws Exception

1066 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1067 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1068 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1069 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1070 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1071 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1072 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1073 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1074 METHOD NAME : assertPOJOContainsExpectedData(MemberDataPOJO pojo) throws Exception

1075 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1076 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1077 METHOD NAME : serializeIt(T someObject) throws Exception

1078 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1079 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableEntityRepositoryTests.java

1080 METHOD NAME : deserializeIt(byte[] serializedBytes) throws Exception

1081 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1082 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableGraphQueryRepositoryTests.java

1083 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1084 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1085 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableGraphQueryRepositoryTests.java

1086 METHOD NAME : shouldBeAbleToTurnQueryResultIntoAPOJO() throws Exception

1087 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1088 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableGraphQueryRepositoryTests.java

1089 METHOD NAME : shouldBeAbleToSerializedPOJOReturnedFromQueryResult() throws Exception

1090 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1091 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableGraphQueryRepositoryTests.java

1092 METHOD NAME : assertPOJOContainsExpectedData(MemberDataPOJO pojo) throws Exception

1093 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1094 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableGraphQueryRepositoryTests.java

1095 METHOD NAME : serializeIt(T someObject) throws Exception

1096 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1097 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SerializableGraphQueryRepositoryTests.java

1098 METHOD NAME : deserializeIt(byte[] serializedBytes) throws Exception

1099 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1100 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SpatialGraphRepositoryTests.java

1101 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1102 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1103 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\repository\SpatialGraphRepositoryTests.java

1104 METHOD NAME : testPerformance() throws Exception

1105 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1106 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\DelegatingGraphDatabaseTests.java

1107 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1108 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1109 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\DelegatingGraphDatabaseTests.java

1110 METHOD NAME : tearDown() throws Exception

1111 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1112 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\DelegatingGraphDatabaseTests.java

1113 METHOD NAME : testGetOrCreateNode() throws Exception

1114 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1115 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\DelegatingGraphDatabaseTests.java

1116 METHOD NAME : mergeNode() throws Exception

1117 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1118 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\DelegatingGraphDatabaseTests.java

1119 METHOD NAME : mergeNodeWithLabel() throws Exception

1120 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1121 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\DelegatingGraphDatabaseTests.java

1122 METHOD NAME : testGetOrCreateRelationship() throws Exception

1123 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1124 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1125 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1126 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1127 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1128 METHOD NAME : testRepositoryFor() throws Exception

1129 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1130 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1131 METHOD NAME : testRelationshipRepositoryFor() throws Exception

1132 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1133 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1134 METHOD NAME : testGetIndexForType() throws Exception

1135 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1136 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1137 METHOD NAME : testGetIndexForName() throws Exception

1138 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1139 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1140 METHOD NAME : testGetIndexForNoTypeAndName() throws Exception

1141 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1142 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1143 METHOD NAME : testGetIndexForTypeAndNoName() throws Exception

1144 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1145 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1146 METHOD NAME : testGetIndexForTypeAndName() throws Exception

1147 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1148 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1149 METHOD NAME : testFindOne() throws Exception

1150 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1151 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1152 METHOD NAME : testFindAll() throws Exception

1153 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1154 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1155 METHOD NAME : testCount() throws Exception

1156 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1157 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1158 METHOD NAME : testCreateRelationshipEntityFromStoredType() throws Exception

1159 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1160 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1161 METHOD NAME : testCreateNodeEntityFromStoredType() throws Exception

1162 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1163 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1164 METHOD NAME : testCreateEntityFromState() throws Exception

1165 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1166 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1167 METHOD NAME : testProjectTo() throws Exception

1168 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1169 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1170 METHOD NAME : testGetPersistentState() throws Exception

1171 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1172 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1173 METHOD NAME : testSetPersistentState() throws Exception

1174 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1175 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1176 METHOD NAME : testDelete() throws Exception

1177 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1178 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1179 METHOD NAME : testRemoveNodeEntity() throws Exception

1180 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1181 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1182 METHOD NAME : testRemoveRelationshipEntity() throws Exception

1183 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1184 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1185 METHOD NAME : testCreateNodeAs() throws Exception

1186 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1187 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1188 METHOD NAME : testIsNodeEntity() throws Exception

1189 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1190 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1191 METHOD NAME : testIsRelationshipEntity() throws Exception

1192 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1193 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1194 METHOD NAME : testDefaultCreateUniqueNodeWithFailOnDuplicateSetToFalse() throws Exception

1195 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1196 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1197 METHOD NAME : testDefaultCreateUniqueNodeWithFailOnDuplicateSetToTrue() throws Exception

1198 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1199 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1200 METHOD NAME : testCreateNodeAsIgnoresFailOnDuplicateValue() throws Exception

1201 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1202 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1203 METHOD NAME : testSave() throws Exception

1204 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1205 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1206 METHOD NAME : testIsManaged() throws Exception

1207 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1208 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1209 METHOD NAME : testQuery() throws Exception

1210 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1211 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1212 METHOD NAME : testGetRelationshipBetweenNodes() throws Exception

1213 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1214 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1215 METHOD NAME : testGetAutoPersistedRelationshipBetweenNodes() throws Exception

1216 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1217 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1218 METHOD NAME : testGetRelationshipBetween() throws Exception

1219 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1220 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1221 METHOD NAME : testGetMultipleRelationshipBetween() throws Exception

1222 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1223 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1224 METHOD NAME : testDeleteRelationshipBetween() throws Exception

1225 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1226 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1227 METHOD NAME : testCreateRelationshipBetweenNodes() throws Exception

1228 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1229 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1230 METHOD NAME : testCreateDuplicateRelationshipBetweenNodes() throws Exception

1231 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1232 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1233 METHOD NAME : testCreateRelationshipBetween() throws Exception

1234 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1235 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1236 METHOD NAME : testConvertSingle() throws Exception

1237 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1238 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1239 METHOD NAME : testConvert() throws Exception

1240 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1241 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1242 METHOD NAME : testQueryEngineForCypher() throws Exception

1243 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1244 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1245 METHOD NAME : testTraverse() throws Exception

1246 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1247 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1248 METHOD NAME : testLookup() throws Exception

1249 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1250 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1251 METHOD NAME : testLookupExact() throws Exception

1252 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1253 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1254 METHOD NAME : testLookupExactLabelIndex() throws Exception

1255 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1256 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1257 METHOD NAME : testFindAllSchemaIndex() throws Exception

1258 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1259 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\EntityTestBase.java

1260 METHOD NAME : createTeam() throws Exception

1261 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1262 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\ExceptionThrowingTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1263 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1264 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1265 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\ExceptionThrowingTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1266 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithWrongTypeThrowsInvalidEntityTypeException() throws Exception

1267 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1268 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\ExceptionThrowingTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1269 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithRightTypeReturnsPerson() throws Exception

1270 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1271 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\ExceptionThrowingTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1272 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithNonExistingIdThrowsDataRetrievalFailureException() throws Exception

1273 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1274 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\ExceptionThrowingTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1275 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithAbstractWrongTypeThrowsInvalidEntityTypeException() throws Exception

1276 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1277 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\ExceptionThrowingTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1278 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithConcreteEntityAndConcreteTypeReturnsConcreteEntity() throws Exception

1279 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1280 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\ExceptionThrowingTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1281 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithConcreteEntityAndAbstractTypeReturnsConcreteEntity() throws Exception

1282 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1283 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\ExceptionThrowingTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1284 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithDifferentConcreteEntitiesThrowsInvalidEntityTypeException() throws Exception

1285 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1286 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\GraphDatabaseFactoryTests.java

1287 METHOD NAME : shouldCreateLocalDatabaseFromContext() throws Exception

1288 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1289 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\GraphDatabaseFactoryTests.java

1290 METHOD NAME : shouldCreateLocalDatabase() throws Exception

1291 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare t

ashishsureka commented 10 years ago

he specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1292 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\EntityRemoverTest.java

1293 METHOD NAME : testRemoveNodeEntityWithAutoIndex() throws Exception

1294 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1295 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\mapping\EntityRemoverTest.java

1296 METHOD NAME : testRemoveRelationshipEntityWithAutoIndex() throws Exception

1297 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1298 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\NullReturningTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1299 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1300 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1301 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\NullReturningTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1302 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithWrongTypeReturnsNull() throws Exception

1303 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1304 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\NullReturningTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1305 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithRightTypeReturnsPerson() throws Exception

1306 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1307 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\NullReturningTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1308 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithNonExistingIdThrowsDataRetrievalFailureException() throws Exception

1309 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1310 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\NullReturningTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1311 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithAbstractWrongTypeReturnsNull() throws Exception

1312 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1313 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\NullReturningTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1314 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithConcreteEntityAndConcreteTypeReturnsConcreteEntity() throws Exception

1315 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1316 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\NullReturningTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1317 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithConcreteEntityAndAbstractTypeReturnsConcreteEntity() throws Exception

1318 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1319 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\NullReturningTypeSafetyNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1320 METHOD NAME : testFindOneWithDifferentConcreteEntitiesReturnsNull() throws Exception

1321 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1322 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1323 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertNullToEmptyMap() throws Exception

1324 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1325 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1326 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertEmptyMapToEmptyMap() throws Exception

1327 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1328 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1329 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertSingleNullValue() throws Exception

1330 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1331 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1332 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertSinglePrimitiveValue() throws Exception

1333 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1334 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1335 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertSingleEnumValueUsingDefaultConversion() throws Exception

1336 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1337 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1338 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertSingleDateValueUsingDefaultConversion() throws Exception

1339 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1340 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1341 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertArrayOfString() throws Exception

1342 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1343 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1344 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertArrayOfPrimitive() throws Exception

1345 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1346 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1347 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertArrayOfEnum() throws Exception

1348 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1349 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1350 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertArrayOfDate() throws Exception

1351 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1352 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1353 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertIterableOfString() throws Exception

1354 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1355 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1356 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertIterableOfPrimitive() throws Exception

1357 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1358 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1359 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertIterableOfEnum() throws Exception

1360 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1361 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1362 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertIterableOfDate() throws Exception

1363 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1364 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1365 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertArrayOfArray() throws Exception

1366 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1367 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1368 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertIterableOfArray() throws Exception

1369 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1370 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\support\query\QueryParameterConverterTests.java

1371 METHOD NAME : shouldNotConvertUnknownTypes() throws Exception

1372 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1373 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1374 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1375 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1376 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1377 METHOD NAME : shouldExecuteCallbackInTransaction() throws Exception

1378 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1379 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1380 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1381 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1382 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1383 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1384 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1385 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1386 METHOD NAME : shouldRollbackViaStatus() throws Exception

1387 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1388 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1389 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1390 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1391 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1392 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1393 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1394 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1395 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1396 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1397 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1398 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1399 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1400 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1401 METHOD NAME : shouldExecuteCallback() throws Exception

1402 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1403 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1404 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1405 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1406 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1407 METHOD NAME : testCreateNode() throws Exception

1408 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1409 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1410 METHOD NAME : testCreateEntityWithProperties() throws Exception

1411 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1412 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1413 METHOD NAME : testCreateNodeTypeWithProperties() throws Exception

1414 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1415 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1416 METHOD NAME : testCreateNodeWithProperties() throws Exception

1417 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1418 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1419 METHOD NAME : testGetNode() throws Exception

1420 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1421 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1422 METHOD NAME : testGetRelationship() throws Exception

1423 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1424 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1425 METHOD NAME : testIndexRelationship() throws Exception

1426 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1427 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1428 METHOD NAME : testIndexNode() throws Exception

1429 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1430 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1431 METHOD NAME : testQueryNodes() throws Exception

1432 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1433 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1434 METHOD NAME : testRetrieveNodes() throws Exception

1435 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1436 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1437 METHOD NAME : testQueryRelationships() throws Exception

1438 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1439 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1440 METHOD NAME : testRetrieveRelationships() throws Exception

1441 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1442 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1443 METHOD NAME : testTraverse() throws Exception

1444 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1445 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1446 METHOD NAME : shouldFindNextNodeViaCypher() throws Exception

1447 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1448 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1449 METHOD NAME : shouldGetDirectRelationship() throws Exception

1450 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1451 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1452 METHOD NAME : shouldGetDirectRelationshipForType() throws Exception

1453 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1454 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1455 METHOD NAME : shouldGetDirectRelationshipForTypeAndDirection() throws Exception

1456 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1457 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\FullNeo4jTemplateTests.java

1458 METHOD NAME : shouldCreateRelationshipWithProperty() throws Exception

1459 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1460 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1461 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1462 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1463 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1464 METHOD NAME : createGraphDatabase() throws Exception

1465 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1466 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1467 METHOD NAME : tearDown() throws Exception

1468 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1469 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1470 METHOD NAME : testGetNode() throws Exception

1471 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1472 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1473 METHOD NAME : testGetRelationship() throws Exception

1474 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1475 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1476 METHOD NAME : testIndexRelationship() throws Exception

1477 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1478 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1479 METHOD NAME : testIndexNode() throws Exception

1480 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1481 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1482 METHOD NAME : testQueryNodes() throws Exception

1483 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1484 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1485 METHOD NAME : testRetrieveNodes() throws Exception

1486 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1487 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1488 METHOD NAME : testQueryRelationships() throws Exception

1489 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1490 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1491 METHOD NAME : testRetrieveRelationships() throws Exception

1492 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1493 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1494 METHOD NAME : testTraverse() throws Exception

1495 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1496 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1497 METHOD NAME : shouldFindNextNodeViaCypher() throws Exception

1498 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1499 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1500 METHOD NAME : shouldGetDirectRelationship() throws Exception

1501 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1502 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1503 METHOD NAME : shouldGetDirectRelationshipForType() throws Exception

1504 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1505 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1506 METHOD NAME : shouldGetDirectRelationshipForTypeAndDirection() throws Exception

1507 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1508 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTests.java

1509 METHOD NAME : shouldCreateRelationshipWithProperty() throws Exception

1510 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1511 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1512 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1513 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1514 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1515 METHOD NAME : createGraphDatabase() throws Exception

1516 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1517 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1518 METHOD NAME : testBeginTxWithoutConfiguredTxManager() throws Exception

1519 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1520 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1521 METHOD NAME : testInstantiateEntity() throws Exception

1522 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1523 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1524 METHOD NAME : shouldExecuteCallbackInTransaction() throws Exception

1525 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1526 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1527 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1528 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1529 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1530 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1531 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1532 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1533 METHOD NAME : shouldRollbackViaStatus() throws Exception

1534 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1535 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1536 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1537 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1538 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1539 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1540 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1541 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1542 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1543 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1544 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1545 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1546 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1547 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1548 METHOD NAME : shouldExecuteCallback() throws Exception

1549 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1550 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1551 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1552 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1553 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1554 METHOD NAME : testCreateNode() throws Exception

1555 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1556 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateApiTransactionTests.java

1557 METHOD NAME : testCreateNodeWithProperties() throws Exception

1558 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1559 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateTests.java

1560 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1561 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1562 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateTests.java

1563 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1564 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1565 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateTests.java

1566 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(final GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1567 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1568 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateTests.java

1569 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1570 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1571 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\Neo4jTemplateTests.java

1572 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1573 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1574 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\NeoApiTests.java

1575 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1576 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1577 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\NeoApiTests.java

1578 METHOD NAME : createConversionService() throws Exception

1579 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1580 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\NeoApiTests.java

1581 METHOD NAME : createGraphDatabase() throws Exception

1582 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1583 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\NeoTraversalTests.java

1584 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1585 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1586 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\template\NeoTraversalTests.java

1587 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1588 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1589 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\typerepresentation\TypeRepresentationTests.java

1590 METHOD NAME : testSavingTwiceResultsOnlyInOneTRSCall() throws Exception

1591 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1592 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\test\context\CleanContextCacheTestExecutionListener.java

1593 METHOD NAME : beforeTestClass(TestContext testContext) throws Exception

1594 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1595 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\test\context\CleanContextCacheTestExecutionListener.java

1596 METHOD NAME : afterTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception

1597 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1598 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j\src\test\java\org\springframework\test\context\CleanContextCacheTestExecutionListener.java

1599 METHOD NAME : afterTestClass(TestContext testContext) throws Exception

1600 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1601 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\config\Neo4jAspectConfiguration.java

1602 METHOD NAME : neo4jRelationshipBacking() throws Exception

1603 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1604 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\config\Neo4jAspectConfiguration.java

1605 METHOD NAME : neo4jNodeBacking() throws Exception

1606 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1607 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\PersonCreator.java

1608 METHOD NAME : create(Node n,Class c) throws Exception

1609 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1610 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\EntityTestBase.java

1611 METHOD NAME : createTeam() throws Exception

1612 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1613 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\EntityWithoutAspectSetupTests.java

1614 METHOD NAME : testEquals() throws Exception

1615 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1616 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\EntityWithoutAspectSetupTests.java

1617 METHOD NAME : testHashCode() throws Exception

1618 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1619 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\GraphRepositoryTests.java

1620 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1621 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1622 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\NodeEntityQueryTests.java

1623 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1624 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1625 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\NodeEntityQueryTests.java

1626 METHOD NAME : testQueryVariableRelationshipSingleResult() throws Exception

1627 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1628 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\NodeEntityQueryTests.java

1629 METHOD NAME : testQueryVariableRelationshipIterableResult() throws Exception

1630 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1631 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\NodeEntityQueryTests.java

1632 METHOD NAME : testQueryVariableSingleResultPerson() throws Exception

1633 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1634 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\NodeEntityQueryTests.java

1635 METHOD NAME : testQueryVariableStringResult() throws Exception

1636 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1637 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\path\EntityMapperTests.java

1638 METHOD NAME : entityMapperShouldForwardEntityPath() throws Exception

1639 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1640 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\path\EntityPathTests.java

1641 METHOD NAME : shouldConvertNodePathToEntityPath() throws Exception

1642 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1643 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1644 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1645 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1646 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1647 METHOD NAME : createGraphDatabase() throws Exception

1648 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1649 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1650 METHOD NAME : testQueryList() throws Exception

1651 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1652 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1653 METHOD NAME : testQueryListOfTypeNode() throws Exception

1654 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1655 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1656 METHOD NAME : testQueryListOfTypePerson() throws Exception

1657 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1658 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1659 METHOD NAME : testQuerySingleOfTypePerson() throws Exception

1660 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1661 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1662 METHOD NAME : testQueryListWithCustomConverter() throws Exception

1663 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1664 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1665 METHOD NAME : testQueryForObjectAsString() throws Exception

1666 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1667 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1668 METHOD NAME : testQueryForObjectAsEnum() throws Exception

1669 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1670 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\query\QueryEngineTests.java

1671 METHOD NAME : testQueryWithSpaceInParameter() throws Exception

1672 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1673 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\SchemaIndexingEntityTestBase.java

1674 METHOD NAME : cleanDb() throws Exception

1675 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1676 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\SchemaIndexingTRSLabelBasedTests.java

1677 METHOD NAME : cleanDb() throws Exception

1678 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1679 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\SchemaIndexingTRSNonLabelBasedTests.java

1680 METHOD NAME : cleanDb() throws Exception

1681 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1682 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\AbstractNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTestBase.java

1683 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1684 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1685 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\AbstractNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTestBase.java

1686 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1687 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1688 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1689 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1690 METHOD NAME : testPostEntityCreation() throws Exception

1691 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1692 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1693 METHOD NAME : testPreEntityRemoval() throws Exception

1694 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1695 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedRelationshipTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1696 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1697 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1698 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedRelationshipTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1699 METHOD NAME : testPostEntityCreationOfRelationshipBacked() throws Exception

1700 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1701 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedRelationshipTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1702 METHOD NAME : testPreEntityRemovalOfRelationshipBacked() throws Exception

1703 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1704 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedRelationshipTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1705 METHOD NAME : testFindAllOfRelationshipBacked() throws Exception

1706 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1707 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedRelationshipTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1708 METHOD NAME : testCountOfRelationshipBacked() throws Exception

1709 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1710 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedRelationshipTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1711 METHOD NAME : testGetJavaTypeOfRelationshipBacked() throws Exception

1712 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1713 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedRelationshipTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1714 METHOD NAME : testCreateEntityAndInferType() throws Exception

1715 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1716 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedRelationshipTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1717 METHOD NAME : testCreateEntityAndSpecifyType() throws Exception

1718 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1719 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\IndexBasedRelationshipTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1720 METHOD NAME : testProjectEntity() throws Exception

1721 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1722 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\LabelBasedNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1723 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1724 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1725 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\LabelBasedNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1726 METHOD NAME : testPostEntityCreation() throws Exception

1727 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1728 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\LabelBasedNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1729 METHOD NAME : testPreEntityRemoval() throws Exception

1730 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1731 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\LabelBasedNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1732 METHOD NAME : testAssertLabelIndexOrNot() throws Exception

1733 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1734 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\NoopTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1735 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1736 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1737 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\NoopTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1738 METHOD NAME : testPostEntityCreation() throws Exception

1739 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1740 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\NoopTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1741 METHOD NAME : testFindAllForNodeStrategy() throws Exception

1742 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1743 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\NoopTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1744 METHOD NAME : testFindAllForRelationshipStrategy() throws Exception

1745 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1746 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\NoopTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1747 METHOD NAME : testCountForNodeStrategy() throws Exception

1748 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1749 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\NoopTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1750 METHOD NAME : testCountForRelationshipStrategy() throws Exception

1751 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1752 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\NoopTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1753 METHOD NAME : testGetJavaTypeOnNodeStrategy() throws Exception

1754 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1755 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\NoopTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1756 METHOD NAME : testGetJavaTypeOnRelationshipStrategy() throws Exception

1757 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1758 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\NoopTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1759 METHOD NAME : testPreEntityRemoval() throws Exception

1760 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1761 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1762 METHOD NAME : testPostEntityCreation() throws Exception

1763 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1764 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1765 METHOD NAME : gettingTypeFromNonTypeNodeShouldThrowAnDescriptiveException() throws Exception

1766 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1767 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1768 METHOD NAME : gettingTypeFromNullShouldFail() throws Exception

1769 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1770 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1771 METHOD NAME : testPreEntityRemoval() throws Exception

1772 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1773 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1774 METHOD NAME : testCount() throws Exception

1775 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1776 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1777 METHOD NAME : testGetJavaType() throws Exception

1778 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1779 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1780 METHOD NAME : testFindAllThings() throws Exception

1781 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1782 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1783 METHOD NAME : testCreateEntityAndInferType() throws Exception

1784 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1785 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1786 METHOD NAME : testCreateEntityAndSpecifyType() throws Exception

1787 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1788 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1789 METHOD NAME : testSaveTwice() throws Exception

1790 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1791 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1792 METHOD NAME : doWithGraph(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1793 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1794 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1795 METHOD NAME : doWithGraphWithoutResult(GraphDatabase graph) throws Exception

1796 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1797 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-aspects\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\aspects\support\typerepresentation\SubReferenceNodeTypeRepresentationStrategyTests.java

1798 METHOD NAME : testProjectEntity() throws Exception

1799 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1800 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-cross-store\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\cross_store\config\CrossStoreNeo4jConfiguration.java

1801 METHOD NAME : graphEntityInstantiator() throws Exception

1802 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1803 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-cross-store\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\cross_store\config\CrossStoreNeo4jConfiguration.java

1804 METHOD NAME : neo4jTransactionManager() throws Exception

1805 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1806 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-cross-store\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\cross_store\config\CrossStoreNeo4jConfiguration.java

1807 METHOD NAME : crossStoreNodeDelegatingFieldAccessorFactory() throws Exception

1808 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1809 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-cross-store\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\cross_store\config\CrossStoreNeo4jConfiguration.java

1810 METHOD NAME : nodeEntityStateFactory() throws Exception

1811 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1812 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\backwardscompatibility\src\test\java\backwardscompatibility\BackwardsCompatibilityTests.java

1813 METHOD NAME : shouldBeBackwardsCompatible() throws Exception

1814 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1815 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\backwardscompatibility\src\test\java\backwardscompatibility\BackwardsCompatibilityTests.java

1816 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { transaction.failure(); }

1817 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1818 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\controller\AuthController.java

1819 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { model.addAttribute("j_username",login); model.addAttribute("j_displayname",name); model.addAttribute("error",e.getMessage()); return "/auth/registerpage"; }

1820 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1821 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\controller\ImportController.java

1822 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { errors.append(token).append(": ").append(e.getMessage()).append("\n"); }

1823 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1824 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbApiClient.java

1825 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get data from " + url,e); }

1826 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1827 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportService.java

1828 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); }

1829 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1830 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

1831 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to map json for movie",e); }

1832 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1833 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

1834 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return null; }

1835 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

1836 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

1837 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return null; }

1838 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1839 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

1840 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to map json for person",e); }

1841 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1842 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorage.java

1843 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to load JSON from storage for file " + storageFile.getPath(),e); }

1844 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1845 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorage.java

1846 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to store JSON to storage for file " + storageFile.getPath(),e); }

1847 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1848 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\domain\DomainTests.java

1849 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1850 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1851 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\domain\DomainTests.java

1852 METHOD NAME : testCreateUser() throws Exception

1853 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1854 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\integrationtests\DatabasePopulationIT.java

1855 METHOD NAME : shouldPopulateDatabase() throws Exception

1856 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1857 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbApiClientTests.java

1858 METHOD NAME : testGetMovie() throws Exception

1859 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1860 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbApiClientTests.java

1861 METHOD NAME : testGetPerson() throws Exception

1862 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1863 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

1864 METHOD NAME : testImportMovie() throws Exception

1865 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1866 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

1867 METHOD NAME : testImportMovieTwice() throws Exception

1868 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1869 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

1870 METHOD NAME : testImportPerson() throws Exception

1871 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1872 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

1873 METHOD NAME : shouldImportMovieWithTwoDirectors() throws Exception

1874 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1875 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1876 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1877 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1878 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1879 METHOD NAME : testHasMovie() throws Exception

1880 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1881 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1882 METHOD NAME : testLoadMovie() throws Exception

1883 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1884 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1885 METHOD NAME : testStoreMovie() throws Exception

1886 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1887 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1888 METHOD NAME : testHasPerson() throws Exception

1889 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1890 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1891 METHOD NAME : testLoadPerson() throws Exception

1892 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1893 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1894 METHOD NAME : testLoadPersonFromList() throws Exception

1895 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1896 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1897 METHOD NAME : testLoadPersonFromInvalidList() throws Exception

1898 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1899 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1900 METHOD NAME : testStorePerson() throws Exception

1901 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1902 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

1903 METHOD NAME : testGetMovie() throws Exception

1904 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1905 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

1906 METHOD NAME : testGetMovieRecommendations() throws Exception

1907 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1908 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

1909 METHOD NAME : testRateMovie() throws Exception

1910 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1911 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

1912 METHOD NAME : testFindTwoMovies() throws Exception

1913 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1914 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

1915 METHOD NAME : testFindTwoMoviesButRestrictToOne() throws Exception

1916 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1917 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\controller\AuthController.java

1918 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { model.addAttribute("j_username",login); model.addAttribute("j_displayname",name); model.addAttribute("error",e.getMessage()); return "/auth/registerpage"; }

1919 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1920 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\controller\ImportController.java

1921 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { errors.append(token).append(": ").append(e.getMessage()).append("\n"); }

1922 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1923 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbApiClient.java

1924 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get data from " + url,e); }

1925 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1926 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportService.java

1927 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); }

1928 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1929 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

1930 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to map json for movie",e); }

1931 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1932 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

1933 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return null; }

1934 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

1935 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

1936 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return null; }

1937 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1938 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

1939 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to map json for person",e); }

1940 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1941 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorage.java

1942 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to load JSON from storage for file " + storageFile.getPath(),e); }

1943 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1944 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorage.java

1945 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to store JSON to storage for file " + storageFile.getPath(),e); }

1946 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

1947 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\domain\DomainTests.java

1948 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1949 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1950 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbApiClientTests.java

1951 METHOD NAME : testGetMovie() throws Exception

1952 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1953 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbApiClientTests.java

1954 METHOD NAME : testGetPerson() throws Exception

1955 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1956 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

1957 METHOD NAME : testImportMovie() throws Exception

1958 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1959 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

1960 METHOD NAME : testImportMovieTwice() throws Exception

1961 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1962 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

1963 METHOD NAME : testImportPerson() throws Exception

1964 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1965 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1966 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

1967 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1968 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1969 METHOD NAME : testHasMovie() throws Exception

1970 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1971 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1972 METHOD NAME : testLoadMovie() throws Exception

1973 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1974 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1975 METHOD NAME : testStoreMovie() throws Exception

1976 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1977 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1978 METHOD NAME : testHasPerson() throws Exception

1979 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1980 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1981 METHOD NAME : testLoadPerson() throws Exception

1982 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1983 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1984 METHOD NAME : testLoadPersonFromList() throws Exception

1985 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1986 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1987 METHOD NAME : testLoadPersonFromInvalidList() throws Exception

1988 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1989 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

1990 METHOD NAME : testStorePerson() throws Exception

1991 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1992 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

1993 METHOD NAME : testGetMovie() throws Exception

1994 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1995 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

1996 METHOD NAME : testGetMovieRecommendations() throws Exception

1997 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

1998 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

1999 METHOD NAME : testRateMovie() throws Exception

2000 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2001 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

2002 METHOD NAME : testFindTwoMovies() throws Exception

2003 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2004 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-aspects\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

2005 METHOD NAME : testFindTwoMoviesButRestrictToOne() throws Exception

2006 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2007 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\controller\AuthController.java

2008 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { model.addAttribute("j_username",login); model.addAttribute("j_displayname",name); model.addAttribute("error",e.getMessage()); return "/auth/registerpage"; }

2009 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2010 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\controller\ImportController.java

2011 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { errors.append(token).append(": ").append(e.getMessage()).append("\n"); }

2012 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2013 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbApiClient.java

2014 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get data from " + url,e); }

2015 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2016 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportService.java

2017 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); }

2018 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2019 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

2020 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to map json for movie",e); }

2021 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2022 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

2023 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return null; }

2024 ANTI-PATTERN RNHR : just returns null instead of handling or re-throwing the exception, swallows the exception, losing the information forever

2025 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

2026 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { return null; }

2027 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2028 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbJsonMapper.java

2029 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to map json for person",e); }

2030 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2031 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorage.java

2032 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to load JSON from storage for file " + storageFile.getPath(),e); }

2033 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2034 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\main\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorage.java

2035 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { throw new MovieDbException("Failed to store JSON to storage for file " + storageFile.getPath(),e); }

2036 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2037 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\domain\DomainTests.java

2038 METHOD NAME : shouldBeAbleToFindCoActorsThroughCypher() throws Exception

2039 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2040 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbApiClientTests.java

2041 METHOD NAME : testGetMovie() throws Exception

2042 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2043 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbApiClientTests.java

2044 METHOD NAME : testGetPerson() throws Exception

2045 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2046 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

2047 METHOD NAME : testImportMovie() throws Exception

2048 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2049 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

2050 METHOD NAME : testImportMovieTwice() throws Exception

2051 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2052 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbImportServiceTests.java

2053 METHOD NAME : testImportPerson() throws Exception

2054 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2055 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

2056 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

2057 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2058 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

2059 METHOD NAME : testHasMovie() throws Exception

2060 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2061 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

2062 METHOD NAME : testLoadMovie() throws Exception

2063 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2064 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

2065 METHOD NAME : testStoreMovie() throws Exception

2066 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2067 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

2068 METHOD NAME : testHasPerson() throws Exception

2069 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2070 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

2071 METHOD NAME : testLoadPerson() throws Exception

2072 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2073 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

2074 METHOD NAME : testLoadPersonFromList() throws Exception

2075 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2076 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

2077 METHOD NAME : testLoadPersonFromInvalidList() throws Exception

2078 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2079 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\movieimport\MovieDbLocalStorageTests.java

2080 METHOD NAME : testStorePerson() throws Exception

2081 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2082 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

2083 METHOD NAME : testGetMovie() throws Exception

2084 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2085 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

2086 METHOD NAME : testFindTwoMovies() throws Exception

2087 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2088 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\cineasts-rest\src\test\java\org\neo4j\cineasts\service\MoviesRepositoryTests.java

2089 METHOD NAME : testFindTwoMoviesButRestrictToOne() throws Exception

2090 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2091 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\myrestaurants-social\src\test\java\com\springdeveloper\data\neo\PrintNeo4j.java

2092 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

2093 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2094 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\myrestaurants-social\src\test\java\com\springone\myrestaurants\data\AbstractTestWithUserAccount.java

2095 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

2096 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2097 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-examples\todos\src\main\java\Main.java

2098 METHOD NAME : main(String[] args) throws Exception

2099 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2100 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestEntityPropertyValidationTests.java

2101 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2102 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2103 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestFinderTests.java

2104 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2105 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2106 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestGraphRepositoryTests.java

2107 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2108 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2109 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestIndexTests.java

2110 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2111 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2112 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeo4jTemplateApiTests.java

2113 METHOD NAME : startServer() throws Exception

2114 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2115 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeo4jTemplateApiTests.java

2116 METHOD NAME : shouldRollbackViaStatus() throws Exception

2117 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2118 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeo4jTemplateApiTests.java

2119 METHOD NAME : stopServer() throws Exception

2120 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2121 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeo4jTemplateApiTests.java

2122 METHOD NAME : createGraphDatabase() throws Exception

2123 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2124 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeo4jTemplateTests.java

2125 METHOD NAME : startServer() throws Exception

2126 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2127 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeo4jTemplateTests.java

2128 METHOD NAME : stopServer() throws Exception

2129 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2130 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeo4jTemplateTests.java

2131 METHOD NAME : createGraphDatabase() throws Exception

2132 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2133 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeoTraversalTests.java

2134 METHOD NAME : startServer() throws Exception

2135 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2136 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeoTraversalTests.java

2137 METHOD NAME : stopServer() throws Exception

2138 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2139 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNeoTraversalTests.java

2140 METHOD NAME : createGraphDatabase() throws Exception

2141 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2142 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNodeEntityRelationshipTests.java

2143 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2144 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2145 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestNodeEntityTests.java

2146 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2147 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2148 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestProjectionTests.java

2149 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2150 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2151 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestPropertyTests.java

2152 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2153 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2154 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestRelationshipEntityTests.java

2155 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2156 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2157 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestTraversalTests.java

2158 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2159 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2160 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\integration\RestUniqueEntityTests.java

2161 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2162 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2163 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestQueryEngineTests.java

2164 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2165 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2166 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestQueryEngineTests.java

2167 METHOD NAME : createGraphDatabase() throws Exception

2168 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2169 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTestBase.java

2170 METHOD NAME : startDb() throws Exception

2171 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2172 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTestBase.java

2173 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error retrieving ROOT URI " + e.getMessage()); Thread.sleep(500); }

2174 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2175 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTestBase.java

2176 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

2177 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2178 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTestHelper.java

2179 METHOD NAME : startServer() throws Exception

2180 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2181 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2182 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

2183 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2184 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2185 METHOD NAME : testUniqueness() throws Exception

2186 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2187 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2188 METHOD NAME : testUniquenessWithValue() throws Exception

2189 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2190 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2191 METHOD NAME : testPruneScript() throws Exception

2192 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2193 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2194 METHOD NAME : testFilterScript() throws Exception

2195 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2196 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2197 METHOD NAME : testEvaluator() throws Exception

2198 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2199 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2200 METHOD NAME : testPrune() throws Exception

2201 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2202 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2203 METHOD NAME : testFilter() throws Exception

2204 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2205 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2206 METHOD NAME : testMaxDepth() throws Exception

2207 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2208 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2209 METHOD NAME : testOrder() throws Exception

2210 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2211 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2212 METHOD NAME : testDepthFirst() throws Exception

2213 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2214 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2215 METHOD NAME : testBreadthFirst() throws Exception

2216 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2217 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2218 METHOD NAME : testRelationships() throws Exception

2219 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2220 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2221 METHOD NAME : testRelationshipsAndDirection() throws Exception

2222 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2223 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2224 METHOD NAME : testExpand() throws Exception

2225 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2226 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\RestTraversalDescriptionTests.java

2227 METHOD NAME : testComplexTraversal() throws Exception

2228 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2229 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\SpringPluginInitializerTests.java

2230 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

2231 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2232 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\SpringPluginInitializerTests.java

2233 METHOD NAME : tearDown() throws Exception

2234 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2235 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\SpringPluginInitializerTests.java

2236 METHOD NAME : shouldInjectInterface() throws Exception

2237 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2238 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\SpringPluginInitializerTests.java

2239 METHOD NAME : shouldWorkWithThirdPartyJaxrs() throws Exception

2240 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2241 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\TestServerPlugin.java

2242 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); }

2243 ANTI-PATTERN PSTE : printing stack-trace and throwing Exception, choose one otherwise it results in multiple log messages (multiple-entries, duplication)

2244 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-rest\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\rest\support\TestServerPlugin.java

2245 CATCH CLAUSE : catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); }

2246 ANTI-PATTERN CTGE : catching generic Exception, catch the specific exception that can be thrown

2247 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-tx\src\main\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\transaction\JotmFactoryBean.java

2248 METHOD NAME : afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception

2249 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2250 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-tx\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\transaction\JOTMIntegrationTests.java

2251 METHOD NAME : setUp() throws Exception

2252 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2253 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-tx\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\transaction\JOTMIntegrationTests.java

2254 METHOD NAME : tearDown() throws Exception

2255 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2256 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-tx\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\transaction\JOTMIntegrationTests.java

2257 METHOD NAME : createdNodeShouldBeFoundAfterCommit() throws Exception

2258 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2259 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-tx\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\transaction\JOTMIntegrationTests.java

2260 METHOD NAME : indexedNodeShouldBeFound() throws Exception

2261 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw

2262 FILE NAME : spring-data-neo4j-master\spring-data-neo4j-tx\src\test\java\org\springframework\data\neo4j\transaction\JOTMIntegrationTests.java

2263 METHOD NAME : createdNodeShouldBeNotAvailableAfterRollback() throws Exception

2264 ANTI-PATTERN THGE : Throws generic Exception, defeats the purpose of using a checked exception, declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw




jexp commented 9 years ago

If you want to be helpful, please send a PR that fixes these issues in the right way.