spring-projects / spring-data-neo4j

Provide support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Neo4j. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data access.
Apache License 2.0
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= Spring Data Neo4j image:https://jenkins.spring.io/buildStatus/icon?job=spring-data-neo4j%2Fmain&subject=Build[link=https://jenkins.spring.io/view/SpringData/job/spring-data-neo4j/] https://gitter.im/spring-projects/spring-data[image:https://badges.gitter.im/spring-projects/spring-data.svg[Gitter]] image:https://img.shields.io/badge/Revved%20up%20by-Develocity-06A0CE?logo=Gradle&labelColor=02303A["Revved up by Develocity", link="https://ge.spring.io/scans?search.rootProjectNames=Spring Data Neo4j"] :sectanchors:

// tag::properties[] :neo4jGroupId: org.springframework.data :artifactId: spring-data-neo4j :groupIdStarter: org.springframework.boot :artifactIdStarter: spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j

:docs-neo4j-version: 5.3.0 :docs-neo4j-docker-version: 5 :docs-neo4j-4-version: 4.4.16 :docs-neo4j-3-version: 3.5.23 :spring-boot-version: 3.0.1 :spring-data-neo4j-version: 7.0.1 // end::properties[]


Spring Data Neo4j - or in short SDN - is an ongoing effort to create the next generation of Spring Data Neo4j, with full reactive support and lightweight mapping. SDN will work with immutable entities, regardless whether written in Java or Kotlin.

The primary goal of the https://projects.spring.io/spring-data[Spring Data] project is to make it easier to build Spring-powered applications that use new data access technologies such as non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud based data services.

The SDN project aims to provide a familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model for integrating with the https://neo4j.com/[Neo4j] Graph Database.

== Code of Conduct

This project is governed by the link:https://github.com/spring-projects/.github/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md[Spring Code of Conduct]. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct. Please report unacceptable behavior to spring-code-of-conduct@pivotal.io.

== Manual

For a gentle introduction and some getting started guides, please use our https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/neo4j/docs/current/reference/html/#reference[Manual].

== Getting Started

=== Maven configuration

==== With Spring Boot

If you are on https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot[Spring Boot], all you have to do is to add our starter:


{groupIdStarter} {artifactIdStarter}

and configure your database connection:


spring.neo4j.uri=bolt://localhost:7687 spring.neo4j.authentication.username=neo4j spring.neo4j.authentication.password=secret

Please have a look at our https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/neo4j/docs/current/reference/html/#reference[manual] for an overview about the architecture, how to define mappings and more.

==== Without Spring Boot

If you are using a plain Spring Framework project without Spring Boot, please add this Maven dependency:


{neo4jGroupId} {artifactId} {spring-data-neo4j-version}

and configure SDN for reactive database access like this:


@Configuration @EnableReactiveNeo4jRepositories @EnableTransactionManagement class MyConfiguration extends AbstractReactiveNeo4jConfig {

public Driver driver() {
    return GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost:7687", AuthTokens.basic("neo4j", "secret"));

protected Collection<String> getMappingBasePackages() {
    return Collections.singletonList(Person.class.getPackage().getName());


The imperative version looks pretty much the same but uses EnableNeo4jRepositories and AbstractNeo4jConfig.

IMPORTANT: We recommend Spring Boot, the automatic configuration and especially the dependency management through the Starters in contrast to the manual work of managing dependencies and configuration.

Here is a quick teaser of a reactive application using Spring Data Repositories in Java:


@Node public class Person { private Long id; private String name;

public Person(String name) {
    this.name = name;


@Repository interface PersonRepository extends ReactiveNeo4jRepository<Person, Long> {

Flux<Person> findAllByName(String name);

Flux<Person> findAllByNameLike(String name);


@Service class MyService {

private final PersonRepository repository;

public Flux<Person> doWork() {

    Person emil = new Person("Emil");
    Person gerrit = new Person("Gerrit");
    Person michael = new Person("Michael");

    // Persist entities and relationships to graph database
    return repository.saveAll(Flux.just(emil, gerrit, michael));


=== Building SDN

Please have a look at the documentation: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/neo4j/reference/#building-sdn-rx[Building SDN].

== Getting Help

Having trouble with Spring Data? We’d love to help!

== Reporting Issues

Spring Data uses GitHub as issue tracking system to record bugs and feature requests. If you want to raise an issue, please follow the recommendations below:

== License

Spring Data Neo4j is Open Source software released under the https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html[Apache 2.0 license].