spring-projects / spring-net

Spring Framework for .NET
Apache License 2.0
846 stars 375 forks source link





Spring.NET contains:

Spring.NET is a port of the Java based Spring Framework. In turn, the Java/J2EE Spring Framework is based on code published in "Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development" by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).


Spring.NET 3.0.0 supports .NET 4.6.2 and .NET Standard 2.0 and later.


## RELEASE INFO Release contents: * `src` contains the C# source files for the framework * `test` contains the C# source files for Spring.NET's test suite * `bin` contains various Spring.NET distribution dll files * `lib/Net` contains shared third-party libraries needed for building the framework * `doc` contains reference documentation, MSDN-style API help, and the Spring.NET xsd. * `examples` contains sample applications. * `build-support` contains additonal applications need to build using NAnt as some convenience VS.NET solution files. * `dev-support` contains 'developer support' tools and code, such as solution templates for VS.NET debug build is done using /DEBUG:full and release build using /DEBUG:pdbonly flags. The VS.NET solution for the framework and examples are provided. Latest info is available at the public website: http://www.springframework.net/ The Spring Framework is released under the terms of the Apache Software License (see license.txt). ## DISTRIBUTION DLLs The "bin" directory contains the following distinct dll files for use in applications. Dependencies are those other than on the .NET BCL. * __Spring.Core__ (~765 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Core.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Core/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Core)](#) * Contents: Inversion of control container. Collection classes. * Dependencies: Common.Logging * __Spring.Aop__ (~150 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Aop.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Aop/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Aop)](#) * Contents: Abstract Oriented Programming Framework. * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Common.Logging * __Spring.Data__ (~320 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Data.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Data/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Data)](#) * Contents: Transaction and ADO.NET Framework. * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop * __Spring.Data.NHibernate5__ (~90 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Data.NHibernate5.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Data.NHibernate5/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Data.NHibernate5)](#) * Contents: NHibernate 5.x integration * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop, Spring.Data, NHibernate * __Spring.Services__ (~70 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Services.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Services/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Services)](#) * Contents: Web Services, Remoting, and Enterprise Component based services. * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop * __Spring.Web__ (~165 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Web.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Web/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Web)](#) * Contents: ASP.NET based Web Application Framework. * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop * __Spring.Web.Extensions__ (~8 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Web.Extensions.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Web.Extensions/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Web.Extensions)](#) * Contents: ASP.NET AJAX Integartion * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop, System.Web.Extensions * __Spring.Web.Mvc5__ (~8 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Web.Mvc5.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Web.Mvc5/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Web.Mvc5)](#) * Contents: ASP.NET MVC5 and WebAPI Integartion * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Web * __Spring.Testing.NUnit__ (~24 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Testing.NUnit.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Testing.NUnit/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Testing.NUnit)](#) * Contents: NUnit Integration * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, NUnit * __Spring.Testing.Microsoft__ (~24 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Testing.Microsoft.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Testing.Microsoft/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Testing.Microsoft)](#) * Contents: MSTest Integration * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, MSTest * __Spring.Messaging__ (~65 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Messaging.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Messaging/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Messaging)](#) * Contents: MSMQ Integration * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, System.Messaging * __Spring.Messaging.Nms__ (~100 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Messaging.Nms.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Messaging.Nms/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Messaging.Nms)](#) * Contents: NMS Integration * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, Apache NMS * __Spring.Scheduling.Quartz3__ (~44 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Scheduling.Quartz3.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Scheduling.Quartz3/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Scheduling.Quartz3)](#) * Contents: Quartz32.x Integration * Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, Quartz * __Spring.Template.Velocity__ (~44 KB) [![NuGet](http://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Spring.Template.Velocity.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Spring.Template.Velocity/) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Spring.Template.Velocity)](#) * Contents: NVelocity Integration * Dependencies: Spring.Core, NVelocity ## WHERE TO START? Documentation can be found in the "docs" directory: * The Spring reference documentation Documented sample applications can be found in "examples": * IoCQuickStart.MovieFinder - A simple example demonstrating basic IoC container behavior. * IoCQuickStart.AppContext - Show use of various IApplicationContext features. * IoCQuickStart.EventRegistry - Show use of loosely coupled eventing features. * AopQuickStart - Show use of AOP features. * CachingQuickStart - Show use of Caching abstraction. * SpringAir - Show use of Spring.Web features. * Calculator - Show use of Spring.Services features. * WebQuickStart - Show step by step usage of Spring.Web features. * Web.Extensions.Example - Show ASP.NET AJAX integartion. * DataQuickStart - Show use of Spring.Data data access features. * TxQuickStart - Show use of Spring's transaction features. * Data.NHibernate.Northwind - Show use of Spring's NHibernate features. * WCFQuickStart - Show use of DI and AOP with WCF * NMSQuickStart - Sample application using NMS * MSMQ QuickStart - Sample application using MSMQ * Quartz Example - Scheduling using Quartz * Mvc5QuickStart - Show the configuration of the ASP.NET MVC 5 support ## How to build VS.NET ------ Visual Studio 2022 is required to open and build the solution. The free community version of Visual Studio should suffice. ## Acknowledgements InnovaSys Document X! --------------------- InnovSys has kindly provided a license to generate the SDK documentation and supporting utilities for integration with Visual Studio.