This is the friendly Halfpipe CLI. Try it out :)
Yeah, it takes a small YAML schema and renders a complete Concourse pipeline for you
All documentation and further information can be found here
In theory yes, but there is some Springer Nature specific stuff in here. With that said nothing is stopping us from extracting those bits, submit a issue! :)
Halfpipe is built with Go
# or if you don't have Go installed you can build in docker
The main pipeline is in Concourse
It runs the build script on every commit to main
We also use GitHub Actions for dependabot and CodeQL scanning
dependabot will raise PRs. Alternatively, to manually update all deps:
go get -t -u ./... && go mod tidy
For third party actions we use in halfpipe rendered workflows - dependabot will raise PRs but these are just informational, we have to manually update the halfpipe actions renderer.
Releasing is triggered by manually bumping the version (major, minor or patch) in Concourse. Binaries are built for different platforms and published to artifactory. The halfpipe cli checks artifactory for a newer release and updates itself. A GitHub release is also created.