springload / wagtaildraftail

🐦📝🍸 Draft.js editor for Wagtail, built upon Draftail and draftjs_exporter
MIT License
24 stars 3 forks source link
draft-js wagtail

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wagtaildraftail 🐦📝🍸

Draft.js editor for Wagtail, built upon `Draftail <https://github.com/springload/draftail>`_ and `draftjs_exporter <https://github.com/springload/draftjs_exporter>`_.

This is alpha software, use at your own risk. Do not use in production (yet).

Check out Awesome Wagtail <https://github.com/springload/awesome-wagtail>_ for more awesome packages and resources from the Wagtail community.


Grab the package from pip with pip install wagtaildraftail, then add wagtaildraftail as an app in your Django settings.

Note: this package contains compiled (bundled, minified) JavaScript and CSS, it can only be installed directly from pip.


There is a basic test site set up in the ``tests`` folder for reference.

With Pages

First, add a Draftail field to some of your pages. Here is an example:

.. code:: python

    from wagtaildraftail.fields import DraftailTextField

    class MyPage(Page):
        body = DraftailTextField(blank=True)

        panels = [

When using Wagtail 1.12 and above, ``DraftailTextField`` accepts the keyword argument ``features`` to define the set of features available in the editor - see `Limiting features in a rich text field <http://docs.wagtail.io/en/v1.12.2/advanced_topics/customisation/page_editing_interface.html#limiting-features-in-a-rich-text-field>`_:

.. code:: python

    class MyPage(Page):
        body = DraftailTextField(blank=True, features=['h2', 'h3', 'ul', 'ol', 'link', 'document-link'])

Outputting the field directly onto a template will give the HTML representation; there is no need to use the ``richtext`` filter.

.. code:: html

    {% block content %}
        {{ page.body }}
    {% endblock %}

With StreamField

Here is an example using the ready-made block:

.. code:: python

from wagtaildraftail.blocks import DraftailTextBlock

class MyStructBlock(StructBlock):
    body = DraftailTextBlock()

The features argument is supported when using Wagtail 1.12 and above:

.. code:: python

class MyStructBlock(StructBlock):
    body = DraftailTextBlock(features=['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'])


Both ``DraftailTextField`` and ``DraftailTextBlock`` accept a string as keyword argument ``editor`` for a per field customisation.

Wagtail will look for a ``WAGTAILADMIN_RICH_TEXT_EDITORS`` constants in the settings, find the requested editor, load the defined widget and pass the options (if defined) to it.

Each editor defined in ``WAGTAILADMIN_RICH_TEXT_EDITORS`` is a dictionary with 2 keys:, ``WIDGET`` (mandatory) and ``OPTIONS`` (optional).

-  ``WIDGET`` is a mandatory string set to the widget to use
   -  should always be set to ``wagtaildraftail.widgets.DraftailTextArea`` (or a subclass of it) to work with Draft.js content
-  ``OPTIONS`` is a dictionary which follows the format of `Draftail configuration options <https://github.com/springload/draftail#usage>`_.
   -  Draftail options which are JavaScript values are hydrated at runtime in ``client/wagtaildraftail.js``. Alternatively, on Wagtail 1.12 and above, a ``features`` list can be passed within the ``OPTIONS`` dict in place of a full Draftail configuration.

**WARNING:** The ``type`` key for ``blockTypes``, ``inlineStyles`` and ``entityTypes`` shouldn’t be changed. It is what defines how content is rendered, and is saved as a JSON blob in the database which would make migrations really painful.

**WARNING:** All the blocks/styles/entities defined in the editor config should have been configured to render properly in the `exporter config <#exporter-configuration>`_.

Here is a sample configuration file. This should live in your Django settings.

For Wagtail 1.12.x and above:

.. code:: python

    from draftjs_exporter.constants import BLOCK_TYPES, ENTITY_TYPES
    from draftjs_exporter.defaults import BLOCK_MAP

        'default_draftail': {
            'WIDGET': 'wagtaildraftail.widgets.DraftailTextArea',

        'format_and_link': {
            'WIDGET': 'wagtaildraftail.widgets.DraftailTextArea',
            'OPTIONS': {
                'features': ['link', 'bold', 'italic'],

        # Wagtail dependencies
        'default': {
            'WIDGET': 'wagtail.wagtailadmin.rich_text.HalloRichTextArea'

        'custom': {
            'WIDGET': 'wagtail.tests.testapp.rich_text.CustomRichTextArea'

        ENTITY_TYPES.LINK: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.Link',
        ENTITY_TYPES.DOCUMENT: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.Document',
        ENTITY_TYPES.IMAGE: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.Image',
        ENTITY_TYPES.EMBED: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.Embed',
        ENTITY_TYPES.HORIZONTAL_RULE: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.HR',


            'element': 'li',
            'wrapper': 'ul',
            'wrapper_props': {'class': 'list-styled'},
            'element': 'li',
            'wrapper': 'ol',
            'wrapper_props': {'class': 'list-numbered'},

For Wagtail 1.11.x and below:

.. code:: python

    from draftjs_exporter.constants import BLOCK_TYPES, ENTITY_TYPES, INLINE_STYLES
    from draftjs_exporter.defaults import BLOCK_MAP


    DRAFT_BLOCK_TYPE_H3 = {'label': 'H3', 'type': BLOCK_TYPES.HEADER_THREE}
    DRAFT_BLOCK_TYPE_H4 = {'label': 'H4', 'type': BLOCK_TYPES.HEADER_FOUR}
    DRAFT_BLOCK_TYPE_UL = {'label': 'UL', 'type': BLOCK_TYPES.UNORDERED_LIST_ITEM, 'icon': 'icon-list-ul'}
    DRAFT_BLOCK_TYPE_OL = {'label': 'OL', 'type': BLOCK_TYPES.ORDERED_LIST_ITEM, 'icon': 'icon-list-ol'}
    DRAFT_BLOCK_TYPE_TERMS = {'label': 'T&Cs', 'type': TERMS_BLOCK_ID, 'element': 'div', 'class': 'legals'}

    DRAFT_INLINE_STYLE_BOLD = {'label': 'Bold', 'type': INLINE_STYLES.BOLD, 'icon': 'icon-bold'}
    DRAFT_INLINE_STYLE_ITALIC = {'label': 'Italic', 'type': INLINE_STYLES.ITALIC, 'icon': 'icon-italic'}

    # It accepts a list of dicts with `label` and `value` keys (e.g. `{'label': 'Full width', 'value': 'fullwidth'}`)
    # or a special `__all__` value which will be intercepted and will load all image formats known to Wagtail.
    DRAFT_IMAGE_FORMATS = '__all__'

        'label': 'Image',
        'type': ENTITY_TYPES.IMAGE,
        'icon': 'icon-image',
        'imageFormats': DRAFT_IMAGE_FORMATS,
        'source': 'ImageSource',
        'decorator': 'Image',
        'label': 'Embed',
        'type': ENTITY_TYPES.EMBED,
        'icon': 'icon-media',
        'source': 'EmbedSource',
        'decorator': 'Embed',
        'label': 'Link',
        'type': ENTITY_TYPES.LINK,
        'icon': 'icon-link',
        'source': 'LinkSource',
        'decorator': 'Link',
        'label': 'Document',
        'type': ENTITY_TYPES.DOCUMENT,
        'icon': 'icon-doc-full',
        'source': 'DocumentSource',
        'decorator': 'Document',

        'default_draftail': {
            'WIDGET': 'wagtaildraftail.widgets.DraftailTextArea',
            'OPTIONS': {
                'enableHorizontalRule': True,
                'enableLineBreak': False,
                'entityTypes': [
                'blockTypes': [
                'inlineStyles': [

        'format_and_link': {
            'WIDGET': 'wagtaildraftail.widgets.DraftailTextArea',
            'OPTIONS': {
                'entityTypes': [
                'inlineStyles': [

        # Wagtail dependencies
        'default': {
            'WIDGET': 'wagtail.wagtailadmin.rich_text.HalloRichTextArea'

        'custom': {
            'WIDGET': 'wagtail.tests.testapp.rich_text.CustomRichTextArea'

        ENTITY_TYPES.LINK: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.Link',
        ENTITY_TYPES.DOCUMENT: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.Document',
        ENTITY_TYPES.IMAGE: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.Image',
        ENTITY_TYPES.EMBED: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.Embed',
        ENTITY_TYPES.HORIZONTAL_RULE: 'wagtaildraftail.decorators.HR',


            'element': 'li',
            'wrapper': 'ul',
            'wrapper_props': {'class': 'list-styled'},
            'element': 'li',
            'wrapper': 'ol',
            'wrapper_props': {'class': 'list-numbered'},
        TERMS_BLOCK_ID: {
            'element': 'p',
            'props': {'class': 'legals'},

Creating new content formats


Creating blocks and inline styles


Creating entities

An entity basically needs 4 elements:

-  a page ``decorator``.
-  an editor ``decorator``.
-  an editor ``source``.
-  an editor ``strategy``.

Decorators define how the content needs to be displayed on the site's pages, as well as within the editor.

- For the pages, they are defined in Python with ``draftjs_exporter``. Refer to the dedicated documentation on `the draftjs_exporter README <https://github.com/springload/draftjs_exporter#custom-components>`_.
- For the editor, they are defined in JS/React with ``draftail``. Refer to the dedicated documentation on `the Draftail README <https://github.com/springload/draftail>`_.

Sources define the interface (usually a modal) through which the user will select an entity to insert into the editor.

Strategies allow the editor to identify entities when it is loaded. Strategies are optional as the default one works fine in most cases.

Both sources and strategies are defined in JS/React with ``draftail``. Refer to the dedicated documentation on `the Draftail README <https://github.com/springload/draftail>`_.

To register decorators, sources or strategies to ``wagtaildraftail``, use the corresponding register function:

.. code:: javascript

    window.wagtailDraftail.registerDecorators({ LinkDecorator, ButtonDecorator });
    window.wagtailDraftail.registerSources({ LinkSource });
    window.wagtailDraftail.registerStrategies({ LinkStrategy });

Note: In order for ``wagtailDraftail`` and its register functions to be available in the global ``window`` namespace, make sure that ``wagtaildraftail`` appears before any other app which will try to register an entity in ``INSTALED_APPS``.


Requirements: ``virtualenv``, ``pyenv``, ``twine``

.. code:: sh

git clone git@github.com:springload/wagtaildraftail.git
cd wagtaildraftail/
virtualenv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
make init
# Install all tested python versions
pyenv install 2.7.11 && pyenv install 3.3.6 && pyenv install 3.4.4 && pyenv install 3.5.1
pyenv global system 2.7.11 3.3.6 3.4.4 3.5.1


.. code:: sh

    make help            # See what commands are available.
    make init            # Install dependencies and initialise for development.
    make start           # Starts the development server and compilation tools.
    make lint            # Lint the project.
    make load-data       # Prepares the database for usage.
    make test            # Test the project.
    make test-coverage   # Run the tests while generating test coverage data.
    make test-ci         # Continuous integration test suite.
    make clean-pyc       # Remove Python file artifacts.
    make dist            # Compile the JS and CSS for release.
    make publish         # Publishes a new version to pypi.


To get up and running,

.. code:: sh

# Set up the development environment.
make init
# Start the development server.
make start
# If necessary, start the JS compilation watch
npm run start

There are testing and linting tasks available both in the Makefile (Python) and package.json (JS).

Updating test data

Here are useful commands:

.. code:: sh

    # Create new migrations from changes to the project.
    python tests/manage.py makemigrations
    # "Reset" the database.
    rm db.sqlite3
    # Generate fixtures from DB data. Remember to clean them up so they do not overlap with data from migrations.
    python tests/manage.py dumpdata > tests/fixtures/test_data.json



See the `docs <https://github.com/springload/wagtaildraftail/docs/>`_ folder