spumer / ProtectSMX

Protect your plugins against decompilation! (Linux only)
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Protect your plugins against decompilation! (Linux only)

ProtectSMX prevent decompilation of stolen plugins. This will be usefull to protect your plugins when using remote hosting.

What is this?

ProtectSMX encrypt any loaded plugin and save encrypted version on disk. Decrypted version passed to Sourcemod core. If plugin already encrypted, then it will be decrypted on the fly.

This repo contains sources, examples and tests. "decrypted" file contains original plugin, when "charger_clipbrush_fix.smx" was encrypted. When this modification works - all loaded plugins will be encrypted like this.

Not so easy! It's a not Extension!

Step 1: Compile Sourcemod

First of all you should compile Sourcemod by yourself! Just follow the official instruction: https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Building_SourceMod

Step 2: Inject protectsmx

Step 2.1: Edit sourcepawn LoadPlugin code

Sourcemod 1.8+ (sourcemod/sourcepawn/vm/api.cpp)

In function SourcePawnEngine2::LoadBinaryFromFile replace

FILE *fp = fopen(file, "rb");


FILE *fp = protect_read_smx(file, "rb");

Example: https://github.com/alliedmodders/sourcepawn/blob/d584d55f2ad60b58070134fd1645cda27e8cf232/vm/api.cpp#L240

Sourcemod 1.7 (sourcemod/sourcepawn/jit/engine2.cpp)

In function SourcePawnEngine2::LoadPlugin replace

FILE *fp = fopen(file, "rb");


FILE *fp = protect_read_smx(file, "rb");

Example: https://github.com/alliedmodders/sourcemod/blob/sourcemod-1.7.0/sourcepawn/jit/engine2.cpp#L29

Step 2.2: Prepare to build

Target folder depend on your SM version sourcepawn/jit or sourcepawn/vm (Step 2.1)


Step 3: Change KEY in protectsmx.cpp to you own

Step 4: Compile sourcemod again!


Blowfish for C++: https://github.com/h2so5/Blowfish