spusuluri / BME590-Final-Project

This repository holds C code for BME 590 Final Project
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.. _blinky-sample:

================= BME 590 Final Project

By: Srisatya Pusuluri

Purpose of Project

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate proficiency in using nrf52833 development kit. The project that two analogs signals into the microcontroller that control the brightness of LEDs based on the peak to peak voltage of the analog signals. The two analog signals are read in with timers to sample the sinusoidal signals at a certain interval calculated with the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem as well as using the ADC channels on the board.The brightness of the LEDs are changed using the PWM module in the microcontroller. Furthermore, there is a DC voltage sent into the microcontroller which is used to calculate battery level. Timers in the microcontroller are used to cease function of the controller when the controller is charging as well as to collect the peak to peak voltage in a 5 second interval. Finally, the bluetooth module is used to send this data to a mobile device. Buttons are used in the program to allow for the collection of the data as well as the bluetooth sending of the data. Please refer to the block diagram to look at the inputs and outputs of the microcontroller in this project. Also, please refer to the testing analysis of the project to learn more.

A KiCad Schematic and the PCB Schenatic for the circuitry used to allow for these signals to be read into the microcontroller are shown in the circuitry folder.

Project Configuration and Overlay

The following packages are configured in this project:

Please refer to the prj.conf file for the exact syntax.

The overlay file outlines the different ADC channels and creates the PWM control of the board. Please refer to the nrf52833dk_nrf52833.overlay file for the exact syntax.

How to Run Program

First, make sure to the have the board and a cable to connect your computer to the board. In addition, make sure to download the Nordic App in order to connect your phone to the board. Second, download the project from Github onto your local computer. Third, make sure to create a build on your computer to flash to the board. Fourth, flash the board with the build. Then, make sure to send the correct signals to the pin numbers as shown in the overlay file. When you want to send information to the mobile device, make sure to press the buttons specified in the diagram. Please note that the data is sent as a single line in hexadecimal. You must convert those numbers to decimal to get the correct peak to peak voltages.