Closed danie-dejager closed 1 year ago
I changed the version of oto from 0.1.1 to 1.0.1 and now I only get
../../../go/pkg/mod/ undefined: newDriver
as an error
I found my issue. I passed "CGO_ENABLED=0" to the build command. Removing that completed the build.
I changed my compile command from:
GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -buildmode=pie -modcacherw -tags netgo -ldflags="-s -w" -o sampler
GO111MODULE=on go build -v -trimpath -buildmode=pie -modcacherw -tags netgo '-ldflags=-s -w' -o sampler
The only version of
I see is for version 2.x. I compile:
I can't get past this.