sqshq / sampler

Tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting. Configured with a simple YAML file.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ANSI-formated text in logs #47

Open udik-chudik opened 5 years ago

udik-chudik commented 5 years ago

Hi! My logs are colour formatted using ANSI escape codes. But when I trying to "tail" them into textbox, I have got unformatted text, like: [31merror[39m, instead if red "error". Would you add ANSI support?

sqshq commented 5 years ago

Yes, it will be added. Thank you for reporting this.

sqshq commented 5 years ago

56 was merged to fix the main issue - unreadable text

color support requires more effort, might be implemented later contributions are welcome

joeldg commented 4 years ago

would be great to get ansi support here, def would be welcome as I do the same thing.