squaremiledev / asynctransport

Apache License 2.0
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squaremile.dev - AsyncTransport

Tests_Java_8_11 Build Status

The main artifact of the Async Transport family is AsyncTCP (dev.squaremile:asynctcp). AsyncTCP is a fully composable library to be used as a building block for low latency, message-driven, highly performant TCP applications written in Java/JVM language.

Note from the main contributor

This is my 'lockdown' project. You can use it in production, and it will probably work well enough that you will never see this package on the top of your exception stack trace. Having said that, it is not supported by any big company, and it was mainly driven by my personal goal - to use the experience acquired on various latency-sensitive projects and show that good design principles are compatible with a highly performant code (the threshold being single micros end-to-end on JVM, cannot comment on anything below this threshold).

Key features:


Add dependencies




implementation 'dev.squaremile:asynctcp:0.9.0'

See some examples

To start write your own application, see dev.squaremile.asynctcpacceptance.AppListeningOnTcpPort class.

To use TCP in a message-driven fashion, look at dev.squaremile.asynctcp.DeterministicTransportApplicationTest

The easiest way to start evaluating if the library can be of some use is to

Check, that the library works

To build:


To run sample app after built:

./asynctcpacceptance/build/distributions/asynctcpacceptance/bin/asynctcpacceptance 9999
# In the new shell:
telnet localhost 9999

Design objectives

The library is built, and enables applications to be built, according to the Object Oriented Programming paradigm, following as closely as possible Alan Kay's definition of "messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process"

It is also inspired by the Aeron Cluster's boundaries between the application and the infrastructure (ClusteredService interface). However, an attempt has been made to make this library even more composable and avoid cycles during the setup phase (such as onStart(Cluster cluster)). This is to encourage some good functional programming principles during the construction/configuration phase, such as immutability and no side effects. Mutability is introduced only to meet the performance requirements.


In order to test the latencies, a simple echo protocol has been introduced. This protocol timestamps messages, adds some additional data, sends the messages at the predefined rate to another endpoint and compares the encoded timestamp with the current time. The current timestamp is the timestamp of the host that originally timestamped the message, and it is compared after the full round tripped message arrived at at the source again. Coordinated omission is taken into account and included in all the results, so when the message publication is delayed for any reason, the time when the message was supposed to be sent is used as the start time, as this is the real delay that would be experienced on the receiving side. The coordinated ommision's any reason part is important, as it can highlight issues at any layer (useful to verify if the cloud provider is fit for purpose)

Localhost, round trip

Scenario: A single box exchanges small messages over localhost. Used to measure the library overhead only, without any network overhead.

Medium rate, 50 000 msg/s over TCP

# First command run:
./trcheck/build/distributions/trcheck-shadow-0.9.0/bin/trcheck benchmark server -p 9998

# Second command run:
./trcheck/build/distributions/trcheck-shadow-0.9.0/bin/trcheck benchmark client -h localhost -p 9998 -t 30 -w 20 -s 50000 -r 1 -x 0
latency (microseconds) |     ~ one way |     round trip |
mean                   |             5 |             10 |
99th percentile        |             6 |             12 |
99.9th percentile      |             9 |             18 |
99.99th percentile     |            14 |             27 |
99.999th percentile    |            73 |            145 |
worst                  |            98 |            195 |

Based on 1500000 measurements.
It took 30000 ms between the first measured message sent and the last received
Sent total (including warm up) 2500000 messages of average size (TCP headers excluded) 24 bytes
Sent total (including warm up) 60000000 bytes with a throughput of 9.600 Mbps

High rate, 5 million msg/s over TCP

# First command run:
./trcheck/build/distributions/trcheck-shadow-0.9.0/bin/trcheck benchmark server -p 9998

# Second command run:
./trcheck/build/distributions/trcheck-shadow-0.9.0/bin/trcheck benchmark client -h localhost -p 9998 -t 30 -w 20 -s 5000000 -r 5000 -x 0
latency (microseconds) |     ~ one way |     round trip |
mean                   |            69 |            138 |
99th percentile        |            94 |            187 |
99.9th percentile      |            97 |            194 |
99.99th percentile     |           262 |            524 |
99.999th percentile    |           347 |            694 |
worst                  |           347 |            694 |

Based on 30000 measurements.
It took 29999 ms between the first measured message sent and the last received
Sent total (including warm up) 249995842 messages of average size (TCP headers excluded) 24 bytes
Sent total (including warm up) 5999900208 bytes with a throughput of 960.022 Mbps

Cloud (AWS EC2)

Scenario: 2 Boxes with a network connection between them adding an average ping of ~ 70 microseconds

Medium rate, 60 000 msg/s over TCP

# Command run on box ip-172-31-35-37:
trcheck-shadow-0.9.0/bin/trcheck benchmark server -p 9998

# Command run on box ip-172-31-43-169:
trcheck-shadow-0.9.0/bin/trcheck benchmark client -h -p 9998     --warm-up-time=30 --run-time=200 --send-rate=60000 --respond-rate=1000 --extra-data-length=0
latency (microseconds) |     ~ one way |     round trip |
mean                   |            39 |             78 |
99th percentile        |            58 |            116 |
99.9th percentile      |            63 |            126 |
99.99th percentile     |            79 |            158 |
99.999th percentile    |           111 |            222 |
worst                  |           111 |            222 |

Based on 12000 measurements.
It took 199975 ms between the first measured message sent and the last received
Sent total (including warm up) 13799004 messages of average size (TCP headers excluded) 24 bytes
Sent total (including warm up) 331176096 bytes with a throughput of 11.521 Mbps

High rate, 3 million msg/s over TCP

# Command run on box ip-172-31-35-37:
trcheck-shadow-0.9.0/bin/trcheck benchmark server -p 9998

# Command run on box ip-172-31-43-169:
trcheck-shadow-0.9.0/bin/trcheck benchmark client -h -p 9998     --warm-up-time=30 --run-time=20 --send-rate=3000000 --respond-rate=3000 --extra-data-length=0
latency (microseconds) |     ~ one way |     round trip |
mean                   |            83 |            165 |
99th percentile        |           108 |            215 |
99.9th percentile      |           127 |            254 |
99.99th percentile     |           132 |            263 |
99.999th percentile    |           137 |            274 |
worst                  |           137 |            274 |

Based on 20000 measurements.
It took 19979 ms between the first measured message sent and the last received
Sent total (including warm up) 149997493 messages of average size (TCP headers excluded) 24 bytes
Sent total (including warm up) 3599939832 bytes with a throughput of 576.590 Mbps


This is all is needed to create an app that listens on appPort TCP port and sends Hi! to whoever connected.

You can go to asynctcpacceptance/src/main/java/dev/squaremile/asynctcpacceptance/demo/AppFromReadme.java and run the example.

package dev.squaremile.asynctcpacceptance.demo;

import dev.squaremile.asynctcp.api.AsyncTcp;
import dev.squaremile.asynctcp.api.transport.app.ApplicationOnDuty;
import dev.squaremile.asynctcp.api.transport.app.Event;
import dev.squaremile.asynctcp.api.transport.app.TransportApplicationOnDuty;
import dev.squaremile.asynctcp.api.transport.commands.Listen;
import dev.squaremile.asynctcp.api.transport.commands.SendData;
import dev.squaremile.asynctcp.api.transport.events.ConnectionAccepted;

import static dev.squaremile.asynctcp.api.serialization.PredefinedTransportDelineation.rawStreaming;

public class AppFromReadme
    public static void main(String[] args)
        ApplicationOnDuty app = new AsyncTcp().createSharedStack(
                transport -> new TransportApplicationOnDuty()

                    public void onStart()
                        transport.handle(transport.command(Listen.class).set(1, 8889, rawStreaming()));
                        System.out.println("now you can run `telnet localhost 8889` in the terminal");

                    public void onStop()

                    public void onEvent(final Event event)
                        if (event instanceof ConnectionAccepted)
                            ConnectionAccepted connectionAccepted = (ConnectionAccepted)event;
                            transport.handle(transport.command(connectionAccepted.connectionId(), SendData.class).set("Hi!".getBytes()));

        while (true)

The user provided implementation can be passed using a factory to the launcher. The remaining concerns, such as running the app are kept separate and can be composed from the building blocks.


To re-generate sbe codecs and build the project

./gradlew :asynctcp:sbeGenerateJavaCodecs && make