squeedee / Boiler

Now called Boiler.. And staying that way! If you see a 'metalegs' reference, that was this projects original name
MIT License
10 stars 0 forks source link

Boiler is a complete IoC microarchitecture. It takes automated DI (from SwiftSuspenders) and tacks on inversion of control for configuration and initialisation.

Boiler begs you to avoid writing a framework that lets people extend framework classes.

Steam is a reference framework emerging from Boiler You probably want to start by looking at Steam or the FlickrGallerySample

Steam Docs

Boiler is about convention

Boiler is about extensibility

Here's a poem:

  Invert Control.

If you're writing a framework, and you don't want it to force people into a hole.
  Invert Control.

When you think it's finished but something nags you about a classes role
  Invert Control

When having to extend framework classes is not your goal...

  I N V E R T  C O N T R O L


Absolute guiding principles

Still very incomplete

Lots of WIP, so don't be suprised at:

Shoulders of giants.

All of this is possible because of the amazing work of: